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Dawn of a new age


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Hey, would it be okay if during one's post, another faction appeared? like, say, an imperial messenger coming to the Cheydinhal gates, or to have a patrol around Bruma? Just don't want to get in trouble if I do this in the future.


Yes of course, as long as theres a reason for it to be there

Edited by Brutii
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Lichs can be harmed by unenchanted weaponry


This is true. I got smashed by an ordinary mace earlier in the RP. (don't know why this came up, but I wanted to throw my 2 cents in)


Oh, on a minor whiny note (Not trying to be conflicting, just whining about it) You had to choose to be a Lich too, Zephyr? Ah, well. Guess I get to say I did it first!


I'll edit the post in the RP to come up with some explanation. Enchanted weapons are much harder to make a spell to defend against as compared to normal weapons. It's not absurd for a Lich to be able to stop an iron mace with a spell. The bandits were rather pathetically equipped as I tried to convey.


@Baldur I actually hadn't even looked at anyone's character sheets when I made mine. I wasn't trying to steal your thunder or anything haha. You did do it first.


Yeah, I did it first. Also, Liches cannot NORMALLY talk. Only the really powerful ones could retain voices, like that one from Anvil, (Belamont? I cannot remember the name of that manor in Anvil that can be bought for 5000 dollars.) So, that is why My lich talks the way he does. He is a passive, even Kind lich. He realized what an idiot he had been to turn himself into it shortly after he did so, and now seeks to be a kind one. :D I am known for being hot-headed, but a few people have even told me they like Rping with me due to my.... unique and quirky characters.

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Yeah, I did it first. Also, Liches cannot NORMALLY talk. Only the really powerful ones could retain voices, like that one from Anvil, (Belamont? I cannot remember the name of that manor in Anvil that can be bought for 5000 dollars.) So, that is why My lich talks the way he does. He is a passive, even Kind lich. He realized what an idiot he had been to turn himself into it shortly after he did so, and now seeks to be a kind one. :D I am known for being hot-headed, but a few people have even told me they like Rping with me due to my.... unique and quirky characters.


The lore seems to be a little sketchy on the whole talking issue. I think it kind of depends on the setting, Dungeons and Dragons for instance, most liches can talk. In the Elder Scrolls I've tried to find as much lore on liches as possible but it's pretty vague. Manimarco is supposedly the first lich, he looks normal and talks but he's also one of the (if not the) most powerful mages of all time to begin with so he'd likely be an exception. Another interesting tidbit is that Elder Scrolls liches don't have phylacteries with the exception of the one in the Dark Brotherhood quest from Oblivion so that's odd. Not even Manimarco does. But both our characters have phylacteries (granted I haven't alluded to mine yet but it exists) so I think it's kind of just roll with it haha. Both of our characters are set up as pretty powerful, even by lich standards so I don't think we have many conflicts we couldn't explain. There's also of course the thought of different routes to transcendence. Since we're the two liches involved right now, we, with Brutii's permission, good lay out the ground rules for Liches.

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Yeah, I did it first. Also, Liches cannot NORMALLY talk. Only the really powerful ones could retain voices, like that one from Anvil, (Belamont? I cannot remember the name of that manor in Anvil that can be bought for 5000 dollars.) So, that is why My lich talks the way he does. He is a passive, even Kind lich. He realized what an idiot he had been to turn himself into it shortly after he did so, and now seeks to be a kind one. :D I am known for being hot-headed, but a few people have even told me they like Rping with me due to my.... unique and quirky characters.


The lore seems to be a little sketchy on the whole talking issue. I think it kind of depends on the setting, Dungeons and Dragons for instance, most liches can talk. In the Elder Scrolls I've tried to find as much lore on liches as possible but it's pretty vague. Manimarco is supposedly the first lich, he looks normal and talks but he's also one of the (if not the) most powerful mages of all time to begin with so he'd likely be an exception. Another interesting tidbit is that Elder Scrolls liches don't have phylacteries with the exception of the one in the Dark Brotherhood quest from Oblivion so that's odd. Not even Manimarco does. But both our characters have phylacteries (granted I haven't alluded to mine yet but it exists) so I think it's kind of just roll with it haha. Both of our characters are set up as pretty powerful, even by lich standards so I don't think we have many conflicts we couldn't explain. There's also of course the thought of different routes to transcendence. Since we're the two liches involved right now, we, with Brutii's permission, good lay out the ground rules for Liches.


I could definitely assist with this, if requested.


On a side note, someone tell me what is going on, please? I don't want to come across as rude (I am doing my best to be good :) ) but I have no idea what is going on particularely right now. I don't know what Neh'Taniel should be doing right now.


Side Note. I may adapt an idea that I had for another character I used to have (before issues we will not discuss) for this RP. I think I can make her work.. and then Neh'Taniel has a companion who won't be afraid of him, and i get to use my plans! (Cryptic, I know, but I will see about creating the sheet... (no spoilers ;)

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Name: Saerileth Sillarus


Gender: Female


Race: Half Imperial, Half Bosmer


Age: 19


Occupation: Assassin


Alignment: (Yes, it's not used here, but I like it) Evil


Deity: Sithis (again, not part of original sheet, but I like using it)


Appearance: Saerileth has fair, pale skin, due to rarely going out during the day, and black hair that reaches to her knees which she usually ties in a pony tail and holds back with an ebony symbol of Sithis (a crown-like symbol made of the black metal Ebony, with onyx gems on it. There is an ivory skull in the center of it, representing the Dread Lord). She never wears a helmet, and her hair is kept out of the way by looping over her shoulders before going down her front. She has blue eyes, and is short, slender and petite of build, with smallish curves. Due to her pale skin, the redness of her lips is drawn into contrast, oftentimes looking as though she wore makeup even though she never does. She resembles an imperial, except her frame is more slender and delicate looking, her cheeks slightly sharper, and her ears are pointed.


Armor/Clothing: Saerileth wears a custom made suit of leather armor. It is Black, and cut to hug tightly to her body, and to be revealing but not trashy. Although it conforms to her body quite closely, it does not restrict her movements, allowing her to be able to run, jump, climb and attack when needed.She has a black silk gown for sleeping, and wears crimson and black underclothes, as well as several pieces of jewelry, including a bracelet her mother gave her, the Amulet of Articulation, which allows her to talk her way past almost any guard, silver ear rings (no enchantment, she just liked them) and one gold toe ring. She also has a long black cloak with a crimson lining to stave off the cold, (unenchanted, just warm) as well as a lighter one with a blue lining.


Weapon: Although most Assassins choose a bow or a dagger, choosing to rely on stealth, Saerileth cares not for stealth, preferring to use Mephala's Ebony Blade, a black greatsword resembling a Katana with a life drain ability that is made more potent by betraying those she calls friends. She has sharpened this blade, restoring it's edge to be keen and sharp. She obtained it from a noble she had been contracted to kill, who had attempted to kill her with it. She figured it would make a nice bonus. Since she has not bothered to make any, she has yet to betray a friend by stabbing them through with Mephala's Ebony Blade, thus the enchantment is still reasonably weak.


Personality: Saerileth is mostly hard of heart, usually uncaring unless it involves something that will benefit her, pretty much doing what she wants, when she wants to. She wants to kill someone? Dead, even if they are begging for mercy. She wants to bed someone? (Not that I will have her do that, I'll be good) She will have him (or her). She wants a pretty object? She'll take it. However, she has a soft spot for orphans, as she is one herself, refusing to harm them, often offering them gold or sweets when she can. She refuses to cut her hair, as a memorial to her mother. She also cares little for modesty, often doing such things as bathing at the same time as someone else with no regard or embarrassment. She enjoys swimming whenever she can, and she is quite a strong swimmer, despite growing up in Skyrim.


History: Saerileth was born in Skyrim, to a Wood Elf mother. Her father had been an Imperial soldier, who had been killed in a Bandit raid. Her mother lost the will to live after that, dying shortly afterwards. She spent a few years on her own, during which someone had come by looking to buy supplies and discovered her all alone. She was dragged against her will to the Honorhall Orphanage, and spent a few years in there. The man who had taken over it was not a kind one, and it was widely known that he beat the children. After a while, Saerileth stole a kitchen knife whilst doing chores, and used it to kill the man who ran it in his sleep.


In the morning, the other staff discovered what Saerileth had done, and threw her out, refusing to call the guards out of pity, and because the man she'd killed was abusive and mean. With nowhere to go, she found her way to the Ratway, and lived there for a few months, fending off thugs looking to use her. While living in the Ratway, she was contacted by a member of the Dark Brotherhood. She accepted his offer, fed up of living in the Ratway, and made her way to the Dawnstar Sanctuary, where she lived for a year or two.


Not long before her 18th birthday, she left Skyrim, due to being fed up of the cold and the lack of interesting contracts. She made her way to Cyrodil, and joined with the Cheydinhall Sanctuary. She rarely spends any time there, preferring to be out in the wilds, killing stray travellers, or whomever her dead-drops tell her to kill. As a Dark Brotherhood member, she isn't very discreet, or even particularly Loyal, often not completing her contracts on a personal whim. She was last seen travelling towards an old ruin which allegedly housed a Lich, as well as tons of treasure.



Here it is. I got on adapting my old ideas as quick as I could. Hopefully there will be no issues.

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I wish the elder scrolls was more clear on half breeds, they set up that children are their mothers race, but then in oblivion we have a half breed orc, wtf?


And nobody would care about the age of a murderer. Even today you can be tried as an adult for serious offences past age 9, I would guess the middle age setting means you'd get executed regardless of age


I don't think that the ebony blade would stay with someone Melpha viewed unworthy... I dunno, the Daedra are gods and could do whatever they wanted, but Melpha is a complicated Daedra


An unstealhy assassin will die. Assassins use stealth because it gives them an edge. Walking right up to a contract and fighting them is a terrible idea, as guards nearby would quickly join in the fray, and the assassin killed, but, whatever. Your choice how your character is.

Edited by Brutii
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I wish the elder scrolls was more clear on half breeds, they set up that children are their mothers race, but then in oblivion we have a half breed orc, wtf?


And nobody would care about the age of a murderer. Even today you can be tried as an adult for serious offences past age 9, I would guess the middle age setting means you'd get executed regardless of age


I don't think that the ebony blade would stay with someone Melpha viewed unworthy... I dunno, the Daedra are gods and could do whatever they wanted, but Melpha is a complicated Daedra


An unstealhy assassin will die. Assassins use stealth because it gives them an edge. Walking right up to a contract and fighting them is a terrible idea, as guards nearby would quickly join in the fray, and the assassin killed, but, whatever. Your choice how your character is.


Not true, although I can see your point on some of it. For example, I have an Orc that's an assassin. He walks up in heavy armor with a warhammer and simply smashes the contract. He never dies. I pay my fines when needed, etc. As for Mephala's ebony Blade, I just liked the sword. I can change to a different weapon if needed, but it was the best blade I could think of that was closest to my original plans for her. So, as for the half breed, yeah, that's why I did that, since I couldn't find clear evidence that the COULDN'T exist, and made my own judgement based off Agronac gro Malog, although, to be fair, he was the son of an Orc and a Vampire, so yeah. As for the murder trial, this is Elder Scrolls, so I figured, since I have not ONCE seen a child in a prison, that they would not sentence a child. the timing has her approximately the age you specified anyway at the time she killed the guy in the Orphanage, (changed due to times, obv Grelod's dead) Although, I had said she doesn't Care about stealth, not that she won't use it to get to her targets, and then kill them as she desires.


One last question.


Was I approved? you weren't terribly specific.

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I wish the elder scrolls was more clear on half breeds, they set up that children are their mothers race, but then in oblivion we have a half breed orc, wtf?


And nobody would care about the age of a murderer. Even today you can be tried as an adult for serious offences past age 9, I would guess the middle age setting means you'd get executed regardless of age


I don't think that the ebony blade would stay with someone Melpha viewed unworthy... I dunno, the Daedra are gods and could do whatever they wanted, but Melpha is a complicated Daedra


An unstealhy assassin will die. Assassins use stealth because it gives them an edge. Walking right up to a contract and fighting them is a terrible idea, as guards nearby would quickly join in the fray, and the assassin killed, but, whatever. Your choice how your character is.


Not true, although I can see your point on some of it. For example, I have an Orc that's an assassin. He walks up in heavy armor with a warhammer and simply smashes the contract. He never dies. I pay my fines when needed, etc. As for Mephala's ebony Blade, I just liked the sword. I can change to a different weapon if needed, but it was the best blade I could think of that was closest to my original plans for her. So, as for the half breed, yeah, that's why I did that, since I couldn't find clear evidence that the COULDN'T exist, and made my own judgement based off Agronac gro Malog, although, to be fair, he was the son of an Orc and a Vampire, so yeah. As for the murder trial, this is Elder Scrolls, so I figured, since I have not ONCE seen a child in a prison, that they would not sentence a child. the timing has her approximately the age you specified anyway at the time she killed the guy in the Orphanage, (changed due to times, obv Grelod's dead) Although, I had said she doesn't Care about stealth, not that she won't use it to get to her targets, and then kill them as she desires.


One last question.


Was I approved? you weren't terribly specific.



Before skyrim there was never children. I don't know why they aren't in jail, but I would assume that the elder scrolls law would work like the time period it seems to have become stuck in (medieval / roman) where you would be arrested for murder regardless of age, and if not, I still don't think anyone would just get away with murder because they were young.


Yeah, you can walk up to a contract and smash them, but it really does defy the whole point of assassin. Plus, I have a feeling that the guards wouldn't be so forgiving of murder if it wasn't because it would kill most peoples games if they upheld the law properly. ;D


I'd rather there was some other reason she got away with the murder than she was young, but other than that, the rest is justifyable so:





Edit: By 'I'd rather' I meant 'Change it' Sorry, I'm not very clear sometimes

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I wish the elder scrolls was more clear on half breeds, they set up that children are their mothers race, but then in oblivion we have a half breed orc, wtf?


And nobody would care about the age of a murderer. Even today you can be tried as an adult for serious offences past age 9, I would guess the middle age setting means you'd get executed regardless of age


I don't think that the ebony blade would stay with someone Melpha viewed unworthy... I dunno, the Daedra are gods and could do whatever they wanted, but Melpha is a complicated Daedra


An unstealhy assassin will die. Assassins use stealth because it gives them an edge. Walking right up to a contract and fighting them is a terrible idea, as guards nearby would quickly join in the fray, and the assassin killed, but, whatever. Your choice how your character is.


Not true, although I can see your point on some of it. For example, I have an Orc that's an assassin. He walks up in heavy armor with a warhammer and simply smashes the contract. He never dies. I pay my fines when needed, etc. As for Mephala's ebony Blade, I just liked the sword. I can change to a different weapon if needed, but it was the best blade I could think of that was closest to my original plans for her. So, as for the half breed, yeah, that's why I did that, since I couldn't find clear evidence that the COULDN'T exist, and made my own judgement based off Agronac gro Malog, although, to be fair, he was the son of an Orc and a Vampire, so yeah. As for the murder trial, this is Elder Scrolls, so I figured, since I have not ONCE seen a child in a prison, that they would not sentence a child. the timing has her approximately the age you specified anyway at the time she killed the guy in the Orphanage, (changed due to times, obv Grelod's dead) Although, I had said she doesn't Care about stealth, not that she won't use it to get to her targets, and then kill them as she desires.


One last question.


Was I approved? you weren't terribly specific.



Before skyrim there was never children. I don't know why they aren't in jail, but I would assume that the elder scrolls law would work like the time period it seems to have become stuck in (medieval / roman) where you would be arrested for murder regardless of age, and if not, I still don't think anyone would just get away with murder because they were young.


Yeah, you can walk up to a contract and smash them, but it really does defy the whole point of assassin. Plus, I have a feeling that the guards wouldn't be so forgiving of murder if it wasn't because it would kill most peoples games if they upheld the law properly. ;D


I'd rather there was some other reason she got away with the murder than she was young, but other than that, the rest is justifyable so:





Edit: By 'I'd rather' I meant 'Change it' Sorry, I'm not very clear sometimes


There. I changed it.

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