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Hey. Look, I don't want to cause a conflict, but I don't know how much longer I'm going to remain. To put it bluntly, but in the nicest way possible, things are getting way over the top. Please don't think I don't like RPing with you guys, because you are all fantastic writers, but between a Legendary dragon with an army of over 31,000 draugr and 9 Dragon Priests as well as other overlords, and a werewolf that's practically immune to all damage, things are just getting just a wee bit out of hand. I say this in the nicest way possible, with my anger management therapist in the room with me helping me get my message across without being too harsh. Please, can something be done to tone things down? Thank you!
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Hey there everyone, I was going to say the same general idea, Baldur beat me to it by about 5 minutes 'cause I'm doing homework.


Now, I'm not sayin' the characters should be scrapped or anything, but perhaps toned down a bit. unless my math skills ar off, Vulviing had around 31 000 draugr, in addition to dragon priests and the dragon himself being one of the most powerful in the world. I personally don't see how even every other character in the RP combined can stand up to even the guy personally, let alone the priests or his army. As for the werewolf, he's not quite as bad, but a brutal assault by a team of trained warriors, silver weapons or not, isn't something that can be ignored by anything short of a daedra. And while I realise he didn't come out of it unscathed, werewolves, even the most powerful ones, don't have much in the way of armor or damage resistance.


Like I said, some toning down and they should both be good, I personally take precautions to make sure that my chars don't go OP. (Rilgomm has a few notable weaknesses, for one.) So far those two are the only ones I have a bit of a problem with right now, a Lich can be beaten down by a well-equipped adventurer, and even an Aedra hasn't gone into OP mode. Unless I missed something, I think that's it.


Let's not make a big deal over this, I like this RP so far. :biggrin:


Edit: Let's not quit over this quite so quickly, I hate to lose Rpers in any of the RPs I participate in and I'm sure the others do too. (AnotherAverageName, that's mostly directed towards you, not tryin' to be hostile or anything, but this can sill be fixed.)

Edited by Flipout6
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Hey there everyone, I was going to say the same general idea, Baldur beat me to it by about 5 minutes 'cause I'm doing homework.


Now, I'm not sayin' the characters should be scrapped or anything, but perhaps toned down a bit. unless my math skills ar off, Vulviing had around 31 000 draugr, in addition to dragon priests and the dragon himself being one of the most powerful in the world. I personally don't see how even every other character in the RP combined can stand up to even the guy personally, let alone the priests or his army. As for the werewolf, he's not quite as bad, but a brutal assault by a team of trained warriors, silver weapons or not, isn't something that can be ignored by anything short of a daedra. And while I realise he didn't come out of it unscathed, werewolves, even the most powerful ones, don't have much in the way of armor or damage resistance.


Like I said, some toning down and they should both be good, I personally take precautions to make sure that my chars don't go OP. (Rilgomm has a few notable weaknesses, for one.) So far those two are the only ones I have a bit of a problem with right now, a Lich can be beaten down by a well-equipped adventurer, and even an Aedra hasn't gone into OP mode. Unless I missed something, I think that's it.


Let's not make a big deal over this, I like this RP so far. :biggrin:


Edit: Let's not quit over this quite so quickly, I hate to lose Rpers in any of the RPs I participate in and I'm sure the others do too. (AnotherAverageName, that's mostly directed towards you, not tryin' to be hostile or anything, but this can sill be fixed.)


Your math is correct, mate. I agree to not quit. I don't like leaving RPs. I already have little enough to do with my free time as it is without losing the few things that keep my mind occupied. I figured that we can all work through this, nice and calm and pleasant. That way, nobody gets angry, everyone gets a fair compromise, and everyone stays happy. Now, I recommend losing some of them Draugr to start with. You can feel free to ignore me, but the way I see it, you've got more Draugr than even the Dragon Born could handle. The werewolf, again, can simply receive damage from ordinary weapons too. I've had werewolf characters that die from ordinary steel. Silver simply does more damage. Think on this. Hopefully, I'm not coming across as confrontational or acusational, 'cause that's not my intention. Please don't see it as such. I am just trying to offer suggestions.

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I'm really hoping nobody gets angry over this, I'm trying to be constructively criticizing, I'm not trying to get people angry.


And even if nothing is done about it, what's the fun in a conquered, united Cyrodiil in a RP about a multi-army civil war?

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I understand what you mean about my wolf, though it was always my intention to make him very difficult to face. He is somewhat like a 'General' in what may be considered the 'Army of Hircine' (though obviously no such thing exists), and his power was supposed to rival that of a mid-strength daedra, though without having their obvious strengths (immortality being among those)
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I will not argue with you. I think things are getting a little over the top. I will not raise any more fuss over this. I do not wish to get into any trouble with Dante, so therefor, I will leave the issue raising to any other members.



However, I will say this, I don't like OP Role Plays. If things can't mellow out, I will leave it. I won't let myself get worked up, and am currently reasonably calm. I hope that I am not being confrontational, but I just want this message heard. Thanks for your patience, I'm off for dinner.

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when I meant "daedra" I meant "daedric lord" so I'm a bit confused, but human communication is only 7% in the words, so any mixups are a result of the lack of tone and body language. Apparently Careers class has practical uses, who knew?
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I thought it was 9 %...


Anyway, to the actual point, yeah, I've been a little over the top, sorry, I'll tone it down. Please don't leave just because I go over the top sometimes, Bruma was really just to establish a foot hold in cyrodiil, I'm not going to be bringing everything down that easily, don't worry. The only person with a character with alliegence to bruma isn't actually doing anything, thats why I chose it to be attacked (sorry if that seems a little harsh...) I've gone a little (a lot) over the top, I'll admit. I'll stop being so OP, if you see me slipping back into it, just tell me :) Sorry again


Actually, I think I've got more Draugr than Alduin could handle :laugh: The next time they enter battle, I'll make some die, because... well, I think you've all summed it up really



Nah, we don't need to argue. We are civilised and I really don't want this to turn out like LOT (We all knew how the last argument turned out)



The only thing I'm really going to contradict here is that you said my dragon has 9 dragon priests, it's only 3

Edited by Brutii
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