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More Classic Monsters


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All the monster mods I've seen add new monsters instead of adding some of the older monsters, or the ones from the older elder scrolls games.

Here is a list of the ones I wish to be added.


Goblin, Grahl, Karstaag, Centaur, Dreugh, Gargoyle, Giant, Harpy, Imp, Mummy, Wraith, Zombie, Ogre, Minotaur, Ghoul, Pixie, Hydra, Furies and others of the type.


Please help, I find find making meshes hard. Thanks.

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Skyrim Monster Mod has a goblin, a gargoyle, giants, an ogre, and a minotaur. Vanilla Skyrim has giants. Dawnguard has gargoyles.


But half of these monsters in the monster mod are unimaginative burnt corpses, re-deads from Zelda, or zombies from Uncharted, or old Morrowind meshes. i would like to have simple mythological monsters and no other than that.

Edited by RolandJenseric
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Then you should be either:

A) Making them yourself, or

b) POLITELY asking the authors of the above mentioned mod/s if they wouldn't mind considering adding these ideas to their current EXCELLENT work ...


And calling someones work "unimaginative" isn't likely the best way to get them to do something for you ... Just a thought ...

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