Kusumura Posted October 8, 2008 Share Posted October 8, 2008 Alright then.. Seeing as this is my first post on the Nexus Forums, I think a little introduction is in order. (Just scroll down if you could give less than half a poopy why I'm on here xD.) I like Oblivion, as most other people here would, as well, I have tried my hand at modding by myself.. That didn't turn out so well. Or, at least, creating little weapons and dumping them into world maps isn't exactly my idea of grandeur. Next, I decided to expand on that by creating my own meshes!.. But then I couldn't find a completely free 3D art program to use that was worth the space on my hard-drive xD. Which brings me to the Nexus Forums, since in my delving about in the CS, I figured out that I could only -READ- the scripts, not expand upon them, nor create them anew. Giving up on ever being capable of producing my own mod without a little help, (None of my friends that could help are computer savvy outside of, "Oh, that's what the mouse does!") I've concocted the notion that perhaps placing what I've been trying to do onto the forums as a request is probably the best idea =D. So. For those lovely modders of you out there who have played Devil May Cry, you'll know what that brilliant Demon Trigger is. All I've been trying to do is bring something that is either a replication or a resemblance of it into Oblivion, seeing as many of the characters I play are, in my own mind, half demon, much like my story-lined roleplay character and the much-loved Dante. (Though my character has nothing in common with him. I'm just a n00b who can't think up his own race xD.) Strength buffs, Speed buffs, Acrobatic buffs, etc. You know the drill to do with stats and what not. =D.The Demon Trigger HUD display, which might be a little bit harder? (I hear wonderful things about what OBSE can do!) Well, that's about it. For those of you that took the patience to read the little biography, many thanks for your time, to those that have skipped ahead to the nitty gritty of the post, thanks for reading and mulling over the idea a little. Whilst I'd like to volunteer myself to helping with bringing this idea into a reality, I'd simply like to note, as above, that I suck xD. I can do as much as I can to help, though. Thanks to all,~Kusumura Mirokoshai. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Necromancer G Posted October 9, 2008 Share Posted October 9, 2008 I LOVE THIS IDEA! I was going to post it but you did it before me. Ive tried to getg someone to make a Sparda character, they already have trish's and gloria's outfit, but we need more of the guys outfits plus the Devil Trigger idea. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Slammybear Posted October 10, 2008 Share Posted October 10, 2008 this is a good idea, i would think that if you were to do this, you'd want to combine it with the skill uncapper and instead make devil trigger a lesser power that chews your magicka away and turns off when the magicka is gone, there'd need to be an upper limit to the timescale in DT mode however to keep balance. the skill uncapper comes into play when skills and attributes need to go past 100 through demonic buffs perhaps? the graphical side of the mod could be accomplished through using polymorph scripts such as werewolf and wolf in midas magic. a different form for male and female of the race perhaps. and also have like water breathing / shield / hp + fatigue regen and magicka resistance 40% whilst in devil mode?perhaps a permanent stunting of magicka regen like an atronach sign would be appropriate and provide the neccessity for alchemy and high use of potions Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ihateregisteringeverywhere Posted October 10, 2008 Share Posted October 10, 2008 I was thinking about how to create the devil trigger effect. The blue demon thing I mean. And the only way that I could think of was creating a new skeleton. Just your basic skeleton with an upscaled upper body skeleton behind the main skeleton. After that's done you'd have to customize all of the old animations - Idle anims, attacking anims, power attack etc etc. After that's done you'd need to create the demon form and rig it to the behindish skeleton. That's a huge amount of work allready. However there's still another problem to tackle - the weapon range. I'm sure you've noticed that yamamoto has a bit longer range than the red queen. But because the demon form would be just a dummy mesh then you'd have to change the player held weapon's reach to rectify this problem. I never realy scripted to the extent to know if this is possible with a simple script, but as far as I see - it's not. Which means that you'd have to create a copy of each weapon on the game and change it's reach and then swap the players weapon to that copy once he turns the demon trigger on. Doing this another problem would emerge, you can't do this with mod added weapons... The rest is simple :). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Slammybear Posted October 10, 2008 Share Posted October 10, 2008 why create a copy of each weapon? way i see it, make it like a bound weapon as the demon weapon and have an "aura" around it fairly faint perhaps but have the weapon just a regular model but the weapon reach the same as a larger weapon? to match the aura length. that way it'd be sorted. but that brings another good point about it, expanding it could involve quests to obtain the devil trigger and a weapon to choosemaking more things to work on lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ihateregisteringeverywhere Posted October 10, 2008 Share Posted October 10, 2008 Well yeah, you could make it work only if you've got the red queen equipted(for example, or a few RQ style weapons so that you could keep trayning your favorite weapon skill). That's would solve a problem or two. However creatig the demon form itself is still a huge amount of work :). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Slammybear Posted October 10, 2008 Share Posted October 10, 2008 true, but it's easier for a group of experienced modders amirite? it'd just be the perfectionism :Pi'm not saying make it RQ and that, there's plenty of demonic names you could use i think Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ihateregisteringeverywhere Posted October 10, 2008 Share Posted October 10, 2008 I meant in that style. For example a warhammer that would close to the RQ design. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Slammybear Posted October 10, 2008 Share Posted October 10, 2008 or perhaps some of the original swords from the 1st game? :P hehgreat start to an awesome series Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kusumura Posted October 11, 2008 Author Share Posted October 11, 2008 I don't really think that editing weapons or anything is needed. Whatever your preference of weapon is, go nuts with it. You may swing a little faster, hit a little harder, but that's it? Who cares for the reach or anything? Leave them be. BUT at the same time, we could use a scripted weapon set that may only be equipped when the character's status flag for Demon Trigger is set to "TRUE", since this is still meant to be free-form roleplayable with any character. (Flag is what I know it as from modding the Baldur's Gate games xD.) Therefore, binding the Demon Trigger to a weapon or anything of the sort may not suit everybody, (My characters all use Two-handed weapons or Katanas.. Blade only. Not everybody is as in love with blades as I am, and would much rather using a hatchet or huge warhammer... Limiting the weapons to be available only during DT is the way to go.)Keeping in mind that this isn't meant to become a direct replication of DMC, it's a TES4:Oblivion adaptation. Animations.. Black/blue smoke surrounding effect, blood-crest eyes and larger muscles. Perhaps, just to suit it completely into the DMC game, a new custom hair that takes over the old for the period that you're taken over with demonic rage? Something to toy around with, indeed, since I personally fell in love with Dante's hair at first sight =..D. Ihateregistering's idea would probably be the best for this; creating a new skeleton and linking it to scripts may be the only way to go about it. Slammybear's idea for the limitation is somewhat on the money. Forget the extra jobs for scripting a whole new recharging character status and all that junk... It slowly eats away at your Mana. With all of this in the fore, there has to be a choice of -Not- using it. I've never been a fan of custom races and such, so a script upon start-up of a previously saved game, or else a completely fresh one, brings up a menu inquiring as to whether or not this character you've created is going to be using the Demon Trigger. If yes, let's have it macro/hot-keyed onto the keyboard somewhere, (No extra spells, for the love of Sparda!) which would make life easier... ALRIGHT. Very nice input everybody, keep'em comin'! We can only improve from here on out, besides. As a formal request and such, any modders that are willing to take up the challenge, email me or something with [email protected]. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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