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Stardew Valley

Different Horse Skins - Multiplayer


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I hope someone can help me.

I want to know whether it's possible to have different horse skins for every farmhand and host in multiplayer? (like for example one is brown, one black, one white etc.)

I know it doesn't matter which horse you pick, but I think that it would be nice when you could keep the horses apart from each other.


I searched mods and I googled for hours but I couldn't find a mod or at least someone who asked such a thing...


Maybe there'll be one person who want to create such a mod (?) or CAN create such a mod in the first place...

I think the skins have to be randomized like in the "MoreAnimals" mod (tried it, doesn't work with horses...). But I don't know how to realise such a thing...

I'm afraid it's not possible but you know... at least I asked :)

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