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HELP Robert's Male just won't work!


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I just downloaded Robert's Male v5 manually (since Nexus mod manager can't do it). I followed the instructions in the 'read me' txt and activated the .esp in the "data files" on the startup menu, but I get absolutely nothing! No matter what body form I try to use or whether I pick nude or not, I end up with the same ugly leather-diapered male characters as before. None of the other races that came with the mod (like dremora) are showing up either. Something is keeping my game from even recognizing the mod's existence. Please can anyone tel me what I might be doing wrong? It is eternally frustrating to se comments on how fantastic this mod is and for me it turns out to be a 209 Mb paperweight. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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I just downloaded Robert's Male v5 manually (since Nexus mod manager can't do it). I followed the instructions in the 'read me' txt and activated the .esp in the "data files" on the startup menu, but I get absolutely nothing! No matter what body form I try to use or whether I pick nude or not, I end up with the same ugly leather-diapered male characters as before. None of the other races that came with the mod (like dremora) are showing up either. Something is keeping my game from even recognizing the mod's existence. Please can anyone tel me what I might be doing wrong? It is eternally frustrating to se comments on how fantastic this mod is and for me it turns out to be a 209 Mb paperweight. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Hmm, some things (you probably did them, but let's rehash anyway) to check:


1. Did you install the Meshes and Textures to Oblivion\Data and made sure to overwrite when prompted? This alone is really the most you'll usually need; I've run this both with and without the .esp file active and it worked fine.


2. Are you using Wrye Bash and a Bashed Patch? If so, rebuild your Bashed Patch and make sure this integrates (it should do so with no problem.)


3. Are you using any other male body replacers, or did you install any files AFTER Roberts Male that might have overwritten the existing meshes/textures? (Done that more times than I can count, which is why I bring it up.)


4. Make sure to run BOSS after you've checked the .esp. It could be a simple issue of load order (I've had this mod override some of my cosmetic mods in the past, requiring me to do a bit of load order changing to fix it.)


BTW, once you get it working, here's a couple of mods to consider using with it:


http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/39656 (for much better looking faces)

http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/5643 (Improved Facial Textures; use with the above)

http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/19738 (Works with Roberts; however I don't recommend the optional textures, they do weird things. Just use the meshes)


Hope that helps; not much else I can think of offhand that could be blocking this from working.

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Yes I merged the 'data' files and told it to replace files and folders everywhere it asked.


I dont Know what Wrye Bash is, so I probably am not using it.


I have no other male body replacers so I know they aren't interfering with it.


I don't know what BOSS is either. Could you give me any advice on what it does and how do I run it?


Thanks for your help.

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Is your Oblivion from Steam? If so, troublesome file dates on the BSA files (Bethesda Softworks Archive) which contain all the original game's contents are now preventing any replacer-type mods from working. The files need redating to something far less recent. The easiest way I know is using OBMM's (Oblivion Mod Manager) Archive Invalidation Utilities and clicking "Reset BSA timestamps" once. Afterwards make sure you have some means of Archive Invalidation applied (preferably the BSA Redirection method) so the game will use loose files over the ones from inside the BSAs.


Also worth mentioning is, if you followed Robert's Male manual install instructions to the letter and added some lines to a file called "ArchiveInvalidation.txt", you better get rid of it now.

It's an antiquated, out-dated method for Archive Invalidation and never worked reliably to begin with. Now it can only interfere with BSA Redirection and the others and needs to go.


Coming to think of it, if not even the plugin's contents, like additional races, are showing up ingame, make sure your game is properly patched to v1.2.0416. Plugins created with a 1.2 version of the CS, which this one is, are just "silently ignored" by a pre-1.2 game version, as if the file wasn't there, no errors, no warnings.

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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Is your Oblivion from Steam? If so, troublesome file dates on the BSA files (Bethesda Softworks Archive) which contain all the original game's contents are now preventing any replacer-type mods from working. The files need redating to something far less recent. The easiest way I know is using OBMM's (Oblivion Mod Manager) Archive Invalidation Utilities and clicking "Reset BSA timestamps" once. Afterwards make sure you have some means of Archive Invalidation applied (preferably the BSA Redirection method) so the game will use loose files over the ones from inside the BSAs.



OK, I tried archive invalidation with NMM. I just got into a new game and it stil looks exactly- wait a minute. I just took off his shirt. Something's happening....


WINGO! It works! You're a genius. I should've mentioned it was a steam-based game, but you deduced it on your own! Thanks very much, friend.

Problem Solved!

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If it looks the same as before, i.e. still Vanilla, while wearing a shirt or something, you might want to also install the so-called Stock Clothing and Armor Replacers for Robert's Male next. They replace all Vanilla game's equipment items with versions including the correct body meshes, whereas the original files contain Vanilla bodies.
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