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Controlling where on the body NPCs look at you


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I am currently playing a dwarf character using a custom race mod. When I have conversations with NPCs, their eyesight and head tracking look down to my character due to the height difference. However, it appears as if they are looking at my center of mass rather than my head. This becomes a problem when I modify NPCs to also use the custom dwarf race. Instead of looking at me when I talk to them, the modified NPC is constantly looking at my waist. Since they are the same height as me, the effect is far more noticeable than with full height characters. I am wondering if anyone knows what controls where an NPC looks at you. I am guessing its something in my race's skeleton.nif file, but I haven't been able to find out exactly what to modify.
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Probably what you actually want to do is to lower your own char's camera so that it appears that the actors are looking right at you. Yes, that setting is in the skeleton's nif. I believe there's a mod on Skyrim Nexus for adjusting the player's camera height, somewhere.
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The issue is that I mostly play in third person and lowering the camera wouldn't fix the issue. The issue isn't too noticeable when I'm talking to a full size NPC, but any other dwarf size character very noticeably have their entire head looking down even though we are the same height and standing right next to each other.


I haven't been able to find a good API or tutorial on editing nif files (which I'm still just guessing is what I need to edit). I'm fine with editing nodes, its just like finding a needle in a haystack at the moment trying to figure out which one I need to change.

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