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Releastic damage to body parts


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If your like me and you use a bow or throwing knives mod or a rifle then youve seen what happens when you shoot someone in the head and its sticking out to the very back of there head but yet they charge at you? Or how about shooting a weak bandit in the knee or arm and he dies instantly? well then something must be done. Headshots should Kill almost everything or atleast completely cripple them. arm and hands and feet shots should do half the damage than normal while i know making a mod where you hit someone directly in the heart and they die is asking a little to much but there's gotta be a way to make headshots worth it other then being badass looking.
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Idk it could be that or i could be because they have such a high demand for all of these games such as the elder scrolls, dishonored and fallout plus theyre making elder scrolls online it might be they rushed skyrim after oblivion was such a success. Edited by MrGameGoov
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