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Auriel's bow bug help!


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Auriel's bow bug

Auriel's bow has stop blotting out the sun for me. I can make this happen on a older save using "resurrect" on my character which clears all "active powers" so I believe that one of the bow quests must apply an invisible active effect.


Can anyone figure out what this effect is?


Thanks a lot!

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It clears error active effects. Say you add a mod with an armour with an active effect remove the mod with the armour on and the active effect stays. The only way to clear it (apart from going back a save) is to use the resurect command.


This also bugs the bow


Going through the CK can't seem to find any effect that might have been applied to the player that could have been removed.


Also sometimes the bow bugs by itself, theres a few posts on the net about it.


I figure the bug is related to the same thing, and was trying to figure out why.

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I tried to use the console command "player.addspell 02007ebc" but it says the spell is not found in parameter spell item and this is extremely frustrating. Suggestions?


Make sure that your loading order looks like this: Skyrim.esm, Update.esm, Dawnguard.esm and the rest. Otherwise, use player.addspell xx007ebc, where xx is the hexadecimal number of Dawnguard's loading order.

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  • 1 month later...

PC version.

I had the same issue, this is how I fixed it (fool proof instructions):


Just finished the Dawnguard questline and was shocked to see that Auriel's Bow wouldn't "activate" the sun.

I'm not playing vampire, so Sunhallowed arrows are more useful to me due to the extra damage and the explosion, but they were not "activating" the sun flare.


I have the spell - in my game is 03007ebc, indeed it depends on the load order, type help dawnguard in the console to find the first 2 digits (press PageUp and PageDown to scroll the list), then replace the xx stated in the posts above for those 2 digits - and removing/readding it had no effect.

Then I tested something else: tried some Bloodcursed arrows, and they worked!


Turns out that my Sunhallowed arrows, which Gelebor crafted for me, were somehow bugged ... maybe because I used the console to get a batch of normal Elven arrows and had Gelebor turn them all into Sunhallowed ...

Got rid of them and used the console to give myself a new batch of Sunhallowed arrows, and lo and behold, I can make sun flares again!


This can work the other way, for Bloodcursed arrows.

Just use the console to give yourself the respective arrows - type help sunhallowed or help bloodcursed in the console and use the code in front of AMMO for the command player.additem <ID> #, where <ID> is the code and # is the number of items you want.

For the bow, type help "auriel's bow" or help auriel in the console, the code should be in front of WEAP, and use it for the player.additem command.

The spell is in fact needed to activate the effect: use the commands provided in this thread to get it.


Hope this helps.

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