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Mine Entrances missing??


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So today I have finally gave up and am asking for help. About a week ago I started a new game and more than half of my Mine Entrances are missing. As in, I can't enter them because the "door" isn't there. I uninstalled all the mods I have thought could affect them (though highly unlikely) and still they don't work. Anyone else experience this problem? Also, as an extra note, I didn't notice this until after installing SKSE, however this issue as never been reported to my knowledge before so I highly doubt it was that.
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My guess is a mod that makes changes in landscape - OR a mod that changes the appearance of some features such as the mine doors.


SKSE does not do anything to remove anything from the vanilla game - it just allows a modder to create a mod that changes things that cannot be changed or added in the vanilla game - So, it could be a mod that was already installed, but not active before you activated SKSE.


A simple way of testing - start the game without SKSE. If it crashes right away, you may have to first disable any mod you added recently that requires SKSE. Then if the mine doors reappear it is likely some mod that relies on SKSE causing the disappearance - but not the SKSE itself.


Try Verify Steam Cache - this fixes many problems and should be one of the first things you try when your game starts acting strange and you haven't added any new mods lately. https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=2037-QEUH-3335



Here is a link to my troubleshooting blog.


This is updated often so come back later for more.


If you use any of this and have some success - or even if nothing works - please post back here what you did that worked or didn't work. That kind of information can be invaluable to other members having the same or similar problems - And to me in fixing any problems in the blog.

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Thanks for the reply, I am going to attempt uninstalling some texture changing mods and will post back with the results, however I don't think it will do much, as the problem is, for example I seen this one right before I made this topic: The Mine "Embershard" has 2 entrances. 1 has a bandit outside. I can't enter from the bandit guarded entrance, however I can from the other. The front entrance is missing the "Enter Embershard Mine."


Edit: Well it didn't work. I am starting to think that the "entrances" may have been deleted from Skyrim itself. I loaded a clean unmodded save, and it says that content is missing, and those caves still don't function.


Edit 2: Well I completely removed ALL mods and reinstalled the entire game, and it's fixed. I am going to install my mods back but slowly and see which remove it.

Edited by Zahlfire
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  • 1 year later...

it would have been great if you told witch mod has done this bug cause i'm having the same problem and don't really want to reinstall my heavily modded skyrim

Edited by papoul
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