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female opinions on skimpy armor mods?


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Speaking as a woman who plays exclusively female characters in games if the option is there... I have absolutely no problem what so ever with skimpy armors and the likes. After all I use a fair amount of them myself as well. Nothing wrong with looking good while kicking the asses of dragons, bandits, undead and so forth. It is all about the aesthetics of the armor in the end. If I like it, I like it, with the primary criteria being that it looks like it was made for a woman. Thus not much of a fan of 'unisex'(how is it unisex when it looks like it was made with a mans body in mind?) armor.


Also I agree with what ginnyfizz said in general.

Edited by Freya1997
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Always makes me hoot with laughter when we get this lofty disapproval of skimpy armors, considering that a lot of tribes have in the past and do now fight naked or very near naked. Even in Britain, the wild Celtic warriors greeting Julius Caesar frequently wore very little more than their woad and a ferocious grimace (yeah why DO we have blue painted Nords in TES Games, that was a Celtic not a Nordic thing....)


It also grinds my gears every time I see full coverage tin can armours described as "realistic" or "lore friendly". They are, if anything, far less realistic than skimpies. By the time we Brits got to royally owning our neighbours over in France repeatedly during the Middle Ages (another reason for my thoughts on Skyrim crossbows being PFFFFFTTTT ROFL...)as well as fighting amongst ourselves during the Wars of the Roses, we had also got preached at a bit and had taken to putting some clothes on to go into battle. Full plate was simply never seen outside the tiltyard. If you were wearing plate, you would not have been able to move without your trusty steed. If you were unhorsed wearing full plate (which could be pierced by an arrow fired by an English or Welsh longbowman anyway) you would not have had time to heave yourself off your back before the lightly armed peasant from the opposing side had managed to shove his pointy stick down your gorget and kebab you. That's why even royalty and nobility, fighting mounted, would wear a plate cuirass and leather or chainmail greaves. Absolutely no way could you steer a horse with your legs (the hands presumably would be wielding some axe, sword or mace)in a battle situation, if you were wearing plate greaves. In the tiltyard you didn't need to steer as you just charged a straight course. But even that was hazardous - Henry VIII was almost killed in a fall in the tiltyard by the weight of his armour.


So yeah, this female says yeah for the skimpies! Admittedly in my Maid Marion playing days I did not wear a leather bikini (far too many midges in Sherwood Forest, they bites us, yes they does....)but as I was then a willowy thing I did have a fetchingly low cut leather jerkin and tight leather pants....


I don't mind them at all, a lot of them are quite sexy! As long as they're well made then I'm all in =3.


Plus I think it's an insult to the hard-working modders who create them, I'd hate for people to assume something about me just because of my work...


~ female

Edited by thefudgestix
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  • 1 year later...

I'm a 31 years old female and I do love using skimpy armors. I agree it's stupid to say full metal armors are more lore friendly where a lot of ancient folks fought half-naked in reality anyway. Mobility and speed are know as the essence of war...

I think all fantasy games should have stuff for both skimpy armors lovers and for people that don't like it that much. What I just hate is how skimpy armor haters tend to sound "know-it-all" when most of time they say innacurate things (like believing full plate armors were common in early middle-age...)

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I'm a 19-year-old guy and I don't really like skimpy armour because it's rather unrealistic and doesn't fit the cold of Skyrim. I'm the kind of player who jumped with joy when I found out Frostfall existed. I play as both males and females and, well, they can dress up skimpy to impress the locals or impress the wifey/hubby or something, but preferably not while in combat. I tend to roleplay my characters, so I have this cocky jerk who thinks he's a total badass yet he isn't who wears the bare-torso hide armour while in towns to show off, for instance. Also, if you're gonna go skimpy, do it for both men and women. Have not only hawt tavern wenches, have sultry bards as well, with equal amounts of skimp.

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I would say the skimpy armor would be out of place since Skyrim is a cold place, but seeing as the Nordic armors in Vanilla Skyrim seem to have barely any protection to the cold (except perhaps the traditional fur armor and the little bit of fur coming out of the steel armor) I say WHY NOT?


Seriously how is it those Nords don't freeze to death wearing Hide armor or Iron armor? Especially the Ancient Nords because their armor is exposing all their joints and body parts to the cold.

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I think a lot of people have already covered good points in here. I will just say: to each his/her own.


It all comes down to personal preference and I personally feel it's great that there are options to choose from when it comes to armor. It's better to have options than none at all. If people do not like a certain armor mod they don't have to use it. I feel a lot of the large armors are just as impractical at times as the skimpy ones. Some of those large heavy armors wouldn't make it any easier to fight with than having skimpy clothing on. It all comes down to how you want your character to look, style of fighting, and be portayed. I mostly play female characters and my current character uses armor like Eisen Platte Armor or grace darklings ranger armor when in comabt .... but when I am strolling in a town or inside a building I go the more skimpy route.


In the end it's all for fun and I enjoy the character customization that mods allow. I think many of the people who are judgemental about skimpy armors don't realize it's not just all guys who are producing those clothing mods. Many females make them as well. If it bothers some that others are not playing hardcore 'lore' freindly Skyrim because they use skimpy clothing mods then oh well. That is how they choose to play their Skyrim but you can play it lore friendly to the max. Thats the beauty of modding and options. Everyone can have maximum fun in games like Skyrim how they want.

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Not a female but couldn't resist giving some input. I think it's important to note that "lore friendly" and "realistic" are two different things. Lore friendly refers to what is depicted in Skyrim and previous TES games regardless of how practical they are. So simply put, realism doesn't equal lore friendly (whether you think skimpy is realistic or not).


That being said, I don't use skimpy armors or nude mods in general. I don't have any such issue with people using them though as the point of modding Skyrim is to be able to choose how you want your game to look. I am continuously fascinated though by what I can only describe as "Aliens" or "Creatures" that pop up in the image section. Women with dimensions that are humanly impossible, giant alien eyes and brightly colored neon hair. I suppose this has less to do with the armors than the actual models, but some of them just straight give me nightmares!


To each his own though.

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I really enjoy them, to be honest. I love the sex appeal, sometimes it's a little to much though. For example, with KillerKeos's skimpy mod, I loved all of the armors but they were just a little too unarmoured. I'm trying to figure out how to make a chainmail undergarment that'll still hug my characters curves, and add a bit of sex appeal, without taking it completely away.


That said, I'm a lesbian and I'm probably biased. Lel. To each his or her own.

Edited by Prynne
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I just can't take them seriously. I mean, I don't care if people use them. Why would I? Each to their own and all that and I'm not the boss of the world. (Unfortunately. I keep putting my resume in but they keep rejecting me. *sigh*) But I personally just can't help but giggle uncontrollably when I see them. I mean, metal g-strings? OUCHIE!!!! Seriously, think about it! That girl's not going to be fighting. She's going to walking along veeeery slowly and gingerly going, "Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow." Or chainmail so skintight that you can see clearly defined nipples and muscles? Ummmmm, chainmail doesn't work that way. Hell, any kind of armour that looks like it's been vacuum-sealed on. I mean, how do they get that armour on every day in Skyrim? There are no vacuums to create the seal! Or chainmail or any armour that's clearly directly on skin. That's another girl that's walking along slowly going, "Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Oh, the chafing!" Or the armour you see that's so skimpy and full of various straps and bits of random leather and metal that you just sort of look at it sideways because you're pretty sure it's defying the laws of physics?


I keep the adult stuff out of my search results because honestly I just don't care about it but every now and then I take a trawl through it just to have a giggle at the completely ludicrous stuff you see there. I've been tempted a couple of time to bring some mods to the attention of Bikini Armour Battle Damage or Eschergirls over on tumblr but that would be a bit mean. The mod authors put a lot of work into their armours after all and just because I find it a bit ludicrous doesn't mean other people will.

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