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Just A newbie trying to find out if FNV mods will run on a toaster of a laptop.


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I have a steam version of FNV installed on a low spec laptop. I assume steam has a cloud server that stores save Games, because i still have a FNV save from an older laptop i had it installed on (i only played about 10 minutes from the start of the game, though).


The computer specs are:


Dell latitude E7440


Intel® Core i5-4310U CPU @ 2.00GHz, 2601 Mhz, 2 Cores, 4 Logical Processors


Intel® HD Graphics Family


8.00 GB RAM


x64 based system


It's a low spec basic laptop not for gaming, but still runs FNV fine, and other games like F.E.A.R., Half life: Black Mesa, Limbo, Braid, and Psychonauts.


I want to start this game with mods that will improve it in any way, but i don't want the game to slow down. I'm interested in mods that expands NPC/enemy variety, or increases enemy AI. I've been reading about this game crashing and not loading saves; i'd like mods to fix that. I assume the low specs of my computer will not handle graphics mods well (or will it?).


Any tips for a beginner? Can my computer handle mods? And Which ones are good for what i need?



Edited by Purr4me
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A BSA is just a "Bethesda Software Archive" formatted archive package, similar in concept to a ZIP, 7ZIP, RAR, etc. package you are probably familiar with already. You need the tool BSArch (freeware) by zilav: "A command line tool for packing and unpacking Bethesda archives. The most complete support setting the correct flags across the various games." If you can handle any other archive program, then you can handle BSArch. Note you should unpack and repack in folders outside of those used by your game.



ð Got it. Thanks a bunch. I'll jump on anything that can make the game run faster on a first time playthrough.

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