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Food & Recipes


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Currently I already have some food ideas to implement in my Project -I.T.E.M.- but I would like if you could give some more.I can guarentee that if they are used in the mod you will have credit for them. You can also join the modding team if you want, just send me a private message

So if you have any ideas just post them here and I will almost for sure add them in my mod.

Thank you! :thumbsup:


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How about adding mushrooms to some soups/stews? Fake recipes for poisonous soups? D=


Being able to dry some ingredients (flowers, mushrooms, etc.) on fire and combine them to make spices? Inedible on their own, but expensive (due to large amount of ingredients required) and enhancing food properties? Able to be used to make tea?



5x blue mountain flower -> cooking fire = 1x melange

5x red mountain flower -> cooking fire = 1x red powder

2x melange + 2x red powder + salt = 1x mountain curry



PS. Excuse the lame names :3

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How about adding mushrooms to some soups/stews? Fake recipes for poisonous soups? D=


Being able to dry some ingredients (flowers, mushrooms, etc.) on fire and combine them to make spices? Inedible on their own, but expensive (due to large amount of ingredients required) and enhancing food properties? Able to be used to make tea?



5x blue mountain flower -> cooking fire = 1x melange

5x red mountain flower -> cooking fire = 1x red powder

2x melange + 2x red powder + salt = 1x mountain curry



PS. Excuse the lame names :3


Great ideas!

I am going to implement them all!

Can you throw me some more?

Edited by Sk0rpio
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Other thing I can think of is cannibalistic food. Human flesh and hearts. Benefiting followers of Namira, vampires, and werewolves, but bearing a high chance of contracting some ugly disease for a normal human.


And in the same spirit, leek and garlic being potentially dangerous (damaging, paralyzing, jne.) for vampires, and wolfsbane for werewolves, which could be the Deathbell? (looks kind of the same)

Of course, it can also be made into poisons for those species. I'm so going on a witch hunt if that ever gets into Skyrim.


But the recipe has to be quite expensive.

Edited by WinterFlower
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How about the ability to brew not only teas but also make out own wine from the jazbay grapes or our mead or beer from honey and wheat? (I don't remember if there already was a vanilla wine recipe, but it wasn't very interesting if so.) Adding other fruits for better wines and maybe getting some really funky moonshine in there. Skyrim needs advanced distillery capabilities. ;)


I also like the idea of cannibalistic foods, but I do already have a mod on that does that in some capacity (Useful Remains), so it's not like I would die without it. Ooh, combine the two and make Bloodwine? :P Harvest meat and body parts from the Giants (besides just toes, that is)?


This might be awfully specific, but the glowing mushrooms... I advocate making drink or soup or anything with them that has a nifty positive effect, but an effect that isn't stated or warned about in the game... they make you partially blind (since that what's supposed to have happened to the Falmer), shown by the screen getting dimmer. So the more you eat anything made with them, the blinder you get, and you have to wait an hour or so per dose you've taken for the negative effect to wear off.



The 'fake recipes' idea from Winterflower is pretty diabolical. I support it.

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