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Far Cry

far cry 5 new dawn


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If you are like me and ready to give up on the game because of lack of decent weapons and the long hard slog in getting them (like most game you get decent weapons near the end of the game) top weapons are no use when you have finished the game. then read on and enjoy the game from the start.

thanks to the modders here most games have mods to over come this. but no mods for new dawn yet? so...

what i did > slog through the start until you get to home base and get your companion, then sadly part with about $15 for 1000 ingame credits. once you have the credits ingame do a save

my fc 4 is 856, fc 5 is 1803 and fc 5 new dawn is 5211 (names may differ on your pc)

my save games are at program(x86) / ubisoft / ubisoft game launcher / savegames

there you will find a folder with name like 9acb5037-3267-48f5-9484-4c6c091c467e (name code could be different for you, not important < thats where the save games are stored

in there should be a folder that holds your save game you just did (5211 folder) copy this folder

now go back to savegames directory and paste the folder in there for next time you replay, as the game does not use your 5211 folder in savegames directory


now any time you want to restart your game , you have the 5211 folder in savegames directory

now start game buy decent weapons and enjoy the game from the start

so before next replay you must copy 5211 folder from savegames and paste in the long number folder overwriting all, now when you load game select continue not new game, you will start at home base with 1000 credit

weapons are up to you but i use elite sa 50 sniper and elite mg 42 lmg, ( together they cost 1000), for unknown reason i can equip in the pistol slot the elite m79 grenade launcher without buying it

last tip , you must upgrade explosion lab to allow making amour piercing ammo

with this ammo using the sa 50 ,1 shot head shots are possible when clearing outposts, normal ammo

will not kill helmet guards with 1 headshot

well guys hope this help a few players enjoy game from the start

note according to ubisoft when you start a totally new game your credit are there to use again hmmmm?

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  • 1 year later...

I love this game. Only thing I don't like is not having any armor like the bad guys. I accidentally scavenged an outpost for the third takeover and I can not kill these mfers. They are just too tough. And don't get me started on fighting the twins.


Wish there were some mods for more areas so I could scavenge a little more and explore some more.

Anyone want to help us with more content??

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