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Voice Over Request


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I am the author of Sea of Ghosts, And The Realms of Daedra, No Mercy and the rest of my Elder Scrolls Quests series.


I am nearing the completion of the fifth mod in the series, and require a Voice Actress to record around 30 lines for a Breton character.


I have already filled the male roles required in the mod, however I will always keep any offers of voice acting on record if they will suit any future project.


Send me a private message with a short sample of previous voice over work, or just an example recording of a few lines from the game if you are interested in this or future voice work,



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I understand that you are looking for a female voice actor, but mentioned that you would keep offers in mind for future projects. I work at a radio station and have my own recording equipment. Where can I send sample voice work to you? Thanks again,




Ps. Tried sending you a P.M but the site told me it failed due to you being unable to use the messenger system.

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