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Help Request: Blender 2.78c with Nifscripts not Importing Skyrim Armor


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Long and the short of it, I have blender 2.78c with its nifscript plugin. This usually works and I've been able to import and export static and movable static meshes without a problem.


Now I'm trying to learn to make custom armor and reskin creatures for the older, 2011 version of Skyrim ("Oldrim" as I've heard it called) but Blender's not importing it correctly. I try to import the mesh, and depending on the settings I use, it either does not import at all, or if it does import, only the mesh's skeleton shows up, and not is geometry.


If someone could please explain how to properly use Blender 2.78c to import an armor mesh from the old version of Skyrim, I'd greatly appreciate it, as I'm having a very hard time finding a tutorial on how to do this.

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