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Stop/interrupt animation with a script


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Hi guys and gals


As the title says, I'd like interrupt a animation the moment it wants to play. This is how far I came in my head.


Here a SAMPLE code:

RegisterForAnimationEvent(self, "AnimToInterrupt")
Event OnAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSource, string asEventName)
    if akSource == self && asEventName == "AnimToInterrupt"

Function InterruptAnim()
    ; WHAT NOW?!?

Maybe I just sat to long in front of my computer am I'm just not seeing it... But I cannot find a function/call/script-magic to interrupt the animation.


Is it even possible to interrupt/stop an animation the moment it starts without noticing to much?


Thx in advanced




P.S.: It's not an endless looped animation... If that should matter


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Is not possible. The engine may dispatch an event when the animation starts, but the handler from your script may be called long after the animation finished. Is not synchronous, the engine won't wait for the Papyrus script to handle the event...

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