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Gender Descisions


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Ok, sorry to be short on scripting knowledge here, but this is strictly hobby for me.


Am working on a couple of mods that add bonus's based on PC/NPC gender. In one males get +2 Strength, +2 Perception, and +1 IQ; while girls get +2 IQ, +2 Perception, and +1 Strength. As I have not been real successful reading the scripting documentation… (wish I could find a single document with the data needed)


The above item is for a custom drug, so am also curious how I can administer to NPC’s of my choice.

Any and all help is greatly appreciated.

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There are several ways to do it. You could make separate versions of the effects to apply to males and females, or you could make a single version, and use conditions on the effect items to control when they're active. The second one is a bit more work, simply because you have to make all the conditions, but makes the script easier to write, because it only has to add one thing.
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