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Scripting Help Needed - Is Player In Combat?


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Hi all,


Wondering if anyone knows if it is possible to detect if the player is being attacked (player is the target of a hostile AI) in a script?


I have tried

if (PlayerRef.GetCombatState() == 1)

but then realised that this is for detecting if AI is in combat, and does not work on the player :facepalm:


Cannot find anything of use on the wiki :(


Thanks in advance, guys.

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Thanks for the reply, Cipscis.


I just found that myself, but cannot quite get my head around how to use it for this instance.


I've tried this:

if (PlayerRef.isincombat() == 1)

but apparently it still does not work.


Here is the full scipt:

Actor property PlayerRef auto
Sound property WitcherAmuletDetectCombatSound01 auto
ImageSpaceModifier property WitcherAmuletEnterCombatIMOD auto

Event OnUpdate()

if (PlayerRef.isincombat() == 1)
	debug.messagebox("Your medallion vibrates...")

ElseIf (PlayerRef.isincombat() == 0)


Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor)


It is attached to an amulet which I want to alert the player to being attacked by applying an space modifier and playing a short sound. The debug message box is just there to help me test if it is working or not. Both the sound and the image space modifier are very short so don't need to be stopped/removed later in the script.

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IsInCombat's return value is of type Bool, why are you comparing it to an Int? In fact, why are you comparing it at all? If it returns True then that will be enough to trigger that conditional block.


How does this script work for you?

Actor property PlayerRef auto
Sound property WitcherAmuletDetectCombatSound01 auto
ImageSpaceModifier property WitcherAmuletEnterCombatIMOD auto

Event OnUpdate()

If (PlayerRef.IsInCombat())
	Debug.MessageBox("Your medallion vibrates...")




Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor)
If (akActor == PlayerRef)
	Debug.Notification("Player equipped medallion")

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Hmm, possibly. If you're getting the first notification then I guess I don't need to ask if you've autofilled your PlayerRef property. I remember there an IsInCombat function for previous games that still exists as the console function IsInCombat. You could test in the console to see if it works and, if it does, use this approach to check it via Papyrus if it works.


I'd hope there'd be a way of checking this directly via Papyrus, though. Kind of disappointed to see that neither of these functions seem to work. I guess I shouldn't be entirely surprised, though, given that the OnCombatStateChanged event will never be called on the player.






Would you mind adding notes to the wiki's documentation for IsInCombat and GetCombatState detailing your findings? You just need to say that they don't work as expected for the player, and mention how they seem to work (like always returning a particular value, if that's what happens).



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I whacked a guard with my sword then checked via the console and it returned that my character was in combat. Specifically, it said, "Kara is in combat".


I'm not sure I understand how to check it via papyrus... I've never touched spells before, nor abilities. I am quite the scripting/CK noob, lol.


I will have a good look at my script to make sure that it's not the actual script at fault (probably is, knowing me).


Even if that isn't the case, thanks for taking the time to help me out!

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Edit: Nevermind, I've just realised that you tried it already.


Edit2: I'm fairly sure that GetCombatState() works on both Actors and the player, as I used it in my Jaws mod a few months back.


Edit3: I'm a bit suspicious that you haven't set the PlayerRef property correctly. Could you try this and see if it works:


Sound property WitcherAmuletDetectCombatSound01 auto
ImageSpaceModifier property WitcherAmuletEnterCombatIMOD auto

Event OnUpdate()
       if game.GetPlayer().GetCombatState() == 1
               debug.messagebox("Your medallion vibrates...")

Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor)
       If akActor == Game.GetPlayer()

Edited by steve40
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Thanks for the reply, steve40.


GetCombatState is the first thing I tried and it did not work.


I will try just using game.getplayer as you suggest, but you can see from my script that I referenced the player correctly with PlayerRef. I also have definitely set the properties in the property window outside of the script, hence why I get the equip message.



Just tried Game.GetPlayer and no joy. Also tried it with IsInCombat instead of GetCombatState.


From a bit of research on these two lines, it seems that they would only work if attached it to the NPC that attacks the player. There is seemingly no direct way to detect if the player is being attacked. Nice one, Bethesda...


It looks like I would have to attach the script to every single NPC/monster in the game, which I don't really fancy doing. Plus, I don't know how I could make it so the script only works when the player has the medallion equiped.


At one point I even tried GetRandomActor (is that what it is called? Can't remember off the top of my head), to essentially "scan" everyone nearby and see if they are attacking the player. Thought it would work in theory, but nothing happened.

Edited by demidekidasu
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OK... I just cut it right down to this for testing:


Event OnUpdate()
		Debug.trace("Amulet log")

Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor)
	Debug.Notification("Player equipped medallion")

Event OnUnEquipped(Actor akActor)
	Debug.Notification("Player unequipped medallion")


Nothing at all in the Papyrus log. WHAT-ON-EARTH?!?!


I get the message about equiping the medallion, so I know the first part works.



Tried again and this is in the script log:

[09/04/2012 - 05:45:34PM] error: Unable to call RegisterForUpdate - no  native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[item 7 in container  (00000014)].WitcherAmuletScript01.RegisterForUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?
[item 7 in container  (00000014)].WitcherAmuletScript01.OnEquipped() - "WitcherAmuletScript01.psc" Line 15


I don't quite understand what this is telling me.


-EDIT 2-

So, after more testing and messing around with the script, it looks like the problem lies either with "RegisterForUpdate" or "Event OnUpdate". I have seen a few forum posts via google that describe not being able to use these on apparel items... Are Bethesda taking the Mick?

Edited by demidekidasu
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