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Liking my lighting


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So! Skyrim's awesome, fun to explore yada yada yada. But I can't seem to figure this out for the life of me...


I'm currently using URWL (The dark version) for my outdoor lighting. I love how it looks during the daytime. Some say it's really over-saturated, but that's why I like it, it makes the game much more vibrant. And at night it used to be almost pitch black. USED TO.


You see I started a fresh install so I could add SKSE and SkyUI as well as Categorized Favorites Menu, and after god awful amounts of time buggering with all those, I finally got them to work properly and set out with my brand new character. However I can't help but notice that the lighting seems off. I had also installed Realistic Lighting because from what I understand URWL doesn't affect interiors what so ever, and from what I read which is loaded last takes priority... (So if I'm correct 13 will override 12 in the load order.)


Now that's all well and good and I've got UWRL in very last with Realistic Lighting just before it, hoping it would make the interiors darker, and this used to work, but since installing SKSE and SkyUI, this doesn't seem to be the case anymore... The dungeons and interiors still look pretty vanilla, however I can still see the saturation during the day with URWL. I'd love to be able to get these two working together, so I can get those brilliant pitch black dungeons I used to have before installing SKSE.


The mods I am currently using are... (ordered in the order they were installed)







Categorized Favorites Menu



URWL (Dark Version)



Realistic Lighting (If memory serves I check all additional textures it adds, as well as selected the Brighter interiors option, via the Custom install)



A Quality World Map - With Roads (Also using the 'Clear Map' Add-On for this mod)



Balanced Magic (I'm using the No Armor Penalties version, with the Adept Dual casting .esp, the extra files were deleted entirely, because NMM likes to check all of them for some irritating reason)



Spell Sneak Attacks



3rd Person Animation Tweak - Run Forward with Bow



Wearable Lanterns (With Candles of the North, Guard Lanterns, and Caravan Lanterns Add-Ons)



Lanterns of Skyrim (2X Brighter setting)



Immersive Armors



I'm also using an .esp that I wrote that simply increases the max number of runes I can place (I set it to 4)


Picture of my load order in NMM



Any ideas? I don't imagine anything but the SKSE and lighting mods would be causing conflicts, making this not work properly. I think if I remove URWL it might work... But as I said, i really enjoy the saturation of this mod. I couldn't find in the Realistic Lighting page how to change the saturation, and I'm nervous about installing SkyProc as the author suggests to change the saturation. I've got 19 .esp in my load order already, which is what's stopped me from installing Birds of Skyrim, the Flora Overhaul and 101 bugs.


TL;DR - Is there an easy way to get SKSE, SkyUI, URWL, and Realistic Lighting to play nice together? I want the dark dungeons and interiors from Realistic Lighting, but the 'over-saturated' daytime of URWL.


Thanks in advance guys! As a closing note, if any of you have non lore breaking mods feel free to mention them to me (please don't just advertise) in this thread, as modding Skyrim has become my new favorite hobby!



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Does launching the game through the Skyrim launcher (as not to load SKSE) solve your problem?


It would seem so? It's fixed my night so that they are nice and dark as they once were. Although it's kind of hard to tell for the interiors and dungeons. I'm a new character at the moment and had cleaned out my 600 something saves. THe first few dungeons you go into are all pretty well lit. However I have noticed that now I get this lovely little warning message that SkyUI isn't working properly because of something with SKSE, despite the fact that it's working fine (With the exception of some icons)

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