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Mission Mojave-Ultimade Edition+ or MM-UE-FNV Com Patch


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Hi there.


Please forgive me, if this question is already answered, I'm new here (and please forgive me, if I write something wrong, I'm from Germany).


Allright, here we go: I would like to know, which Mod is the right one:


-Mission Mojave-Ultimade Edition+

-or Mission Mojave-Ultimade Edition-FNV Community Patch.


Thanks for helping me out

Edited by xScottiex
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It's a matter of preference. From the descriptions:

* Mission Mojave-Ultimade Edition-FNV Community Patch: "Additionally since we are a community patch the community decides what is part of the mod and what is not. If there is something you feel like should definitely be done or not done then let us and everyone else know and it will be changed." So, subject to arbitrary changes you may not agree with.


* Mission Mojave-Ultimade Edition+: "To reiterate and make this very clear, this mod will ALWAYS retain the original aesthetic and 'feeling' of New Vegas. It will avoid user's conventional notions of 'overhaul mods', because it itself is not an overhaul. It is intended to build upon the already fantastic game." Again, subject to arbitrary changes you may not agree with but attempting to remain faithful to the original design.


* MMUE's primary (and more continuously updated) competition is:

Yukichigai Unofficial Patch - YUP: "A compilation of vital bug fixes for Fallout: New Vegas and its DLC, all combined into one ESM. The only pure bug fix compilation available on the Nexus: no new features, no balance tweaks, no restored content. Just bug fixes and nothing but bug fixes."


Your choice. If you are looking for a recommendation, I would say go with YUP and specific mods that give you exactly what you want. But that is just a personal preference.



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