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Touching the Sky Quest bug (Dawnguard DLC)


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I'm currently having trouble initiating kindred judgement quest after completing Touching The Sky.

ive slain Arch-Curate Vyrthur and retrieved the bow and even the words quest complete appeared across the screen but for some reason I'm unable to have the right dialogue with serana and Gelebor to start final quest.

i can ask serana and Gelebor to make some special arrows for me and talk about other topics but the final quest.


ive tried the "setstage dlc1vq07 200" in console but that didnt do anything.


ive tried exiting the balcony and going back, dragon shouting at serana and gelebor, shooting the special arrows at them but nothing happened that would help.


ive tried loading a previous save i had that took me back to right before Vyrthur attacked and kill him, talking with Gelebor and obtaining the bow again a couple of times but nothing worked.


also, for some reason, even after i killed Vyrthur and the other enemies, Serana gets stuck kept using that "blood/health drain attack" and wouldnt follow me unless i exit the balcony.



please help, thanks.

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  • 4 months later...

I'm currently having trouble initiating kindred judgement quest after completing Touching The Sky.

ive slain Arch-Curate Vyrthur and retrieved the bow and even the words quest complete appeared across the screen but for some reason I'm unable to have the right dialogue with serana and Gelebor to start final quest.

i can ask serana and Gelebor to make some special arrows for me and talk about other topics but the final quest.


ive tried the "setstage dlc1vq07 200" in console but that didnt do anything.


ive tried exiting the balcony and going back, dragon shouting at serana and gelebor, shooting the special arrows at them but nothing happened that would help.


ive tried loading a previous save i had that took me back to right before Vyrthur attacked and kill him, talking with Gelebor and obtaining the bow again a couple of times but nothing worked.


also, for some reason, even after i killed Vyrthur and the other enemies, Serana gets stuck kept using that "blood/health drain attack" and wouldnt follow me unless i exit the balcony.



please help, thanks.



I and many others have this same issue. Presently there is no known fix anywhere to be found. Bethesda needs to fix this as it's the end of the main quest which makes Dawngaurd somewhat of a ripoff. WTF is wrong with companies today that they don't support their own products? Ghey, ghey, ghey.


http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Touching_the_Sky SEE BUGS... "Sometimes after finishing the quest, Serana will not have the dialogue to start Kindred Judgment but will allow you to use her blood to make Bloodcursed arrows". Using an old save prior to the bug, and hope the bug doesn't happen again, is the only way I've seen how to fix this. Broken again, rinse and repeat. God that is a long quest.. and you can't use console to move ahead in any of this questline or you will cause the bug. Serana NEEDS to go through all those caves with you and have dialogue with Gelebor. See the dialogue here http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Knight-Paladin_Gelebor You then must complete the rest of the quest manually to ensure the bug does not persist.

Edited by Hannibalektr
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