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Help with some things


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So I started working on a mod (mainly for myself but i will attempt putting it on the nexus when finished).


I've got most of it completed, but i've come across 3 issues:

1) Im trying to force a spell to cause a simple animation during it's duration. More specifically, Im wanting to make a meditation spell. I've got the spell all worked out, just dont know how to make the dovahkiin go into the graybeard's meditation stance.


2) I'm wanting to make a new shout.. and Im hoping to use the of voice of three words already in game. I've not even attempted on doing this, as I have no clue where to start. I'm probably over-thinking this, but I'm still afraid to try it. lol




3) I'm trying to make whirlwind sprint into a lesser power... (also tried to change the vampire lord "bats" power but it wont activate the dash in human form but will in vamp-lord form.. )


any ideas? I'm thinking the answer to the first one lays within a script, but i'm lost into writting scripts.. v.v

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