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Fluffy tails and ears


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I like the fluffy tails and ears, if you remember you could buy ears off this one vendor in oblivion, well a awesome modder helped me out and we made a custom race together, it was a cat girl, lol with fluffy ears and tail, with a few things I had asked for, and one of it being the ears the tail and a scar across the bridge of the nose at an angle / < but unfortunately I can't find him on oblivion anymore or the race sadly so I have to redo it from scratch, or hope someone wants to undertake lol the fun of doing a few ears, a tail or a scar for one of their own mods xD or learn to do it myself and mod a unique race as well as a unique companion *bwahaha* yes this is a first step towards a unique companion, with a quest to another world ....it was a great idea from before and im gonna try to do it in skyrim since the idea is still bouncing back and forth like a kid on candy ^ ^
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