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Quest- Get the pieces of armour and don't sell them


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Title a little confusing I know.

Quest is to get a specific cuirass, pair of boots and gauntlets named Lincuirass, Linboots and Lingauntlets for an NPC. I could use a global as a counter so that each time a piece is picked up the counter adds 1 until 3 is reached but how can I ensure that the player doesn't drop/sell these pieces by mistake or idiocy?



Edit - And a lute, 4 items to get.

Edited by antstubell
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making them quest items should work....

or you could make the quest advance by dialouge with a character that takes the items from you and advances the quest after taking the items.

Do you mean make an Alias for each item?

Its imperative to the quest that the player delivers at least the 3 pieces of armour to the NPC as the NPC will change from being naked to wearing the armour, the lute is optional but any player when discovering all 4 items together will take them all. I don't want the quest to advance until at least the armour ideally all the items are in the player's inventory in order to remove them later. If I use a global variable then when a player picks up the value will be +1, if player drops.sells item then the value won't decrease by 1. So player could collect them all advancing the quest to "Give NPC his armour and lute", sell an item by mistake, go to NPC, items are removed from player inventory, added to NPC inventory even though for example the player does not have the cuirass, the NPC appears fully armoured. I hope you see what I'm getting at, its important all items are given to NPC before the NPC "gets changed" and quest is completed.

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