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Changing the "Biped Object" Slot?


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Hi everyone.

I have been using a mixture of Nereid's Modular Pirate Armor along side other lovely CBBE armors that match.
Which led me to start dabbling in the CK to remove over powered enchants and and adjust armor values to be more fair.

I found a new pair of shorts that would work perfectly with my armor, but when I equip them, my corset item is removed.

So I opened all the mods together in the CK and noticed that those two items are using the Biped Object slot #48!


I tried changing the slot number on the ARMO and the ARMA forms. Once in game I was able to equip both items.

However, the item who's slot was changed is now invisible even if equipped! :sad: I tried using a couple of random slots, 45, 49, 58, 59.

I even restored the mods to their original state and tried changing the slot on the opposite item but still no luck.

Is there something else related to changing a slot that I'm missing?

Thanks in advance! <3


Oh btw, I didn't mess with slots 44 and 60 because I believe those are used by Ecotone's Dual Sheath and possibly XPMSSE!?

Edited by doereoh
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You need to change the slot data in the mesh file as well.


Download nifskope and open your armor meshes (there will likely be two versions, identical names but one ending with _0 and the other _1).


Navigate the left box to find the TriShapeData. There will be a block (e.g. folder path) called something like DismemberSkinInstance. Select it. At the bottom of the block detail window there will be a item called Partitions. Expand it. You should see another Partitions block; expand it.


You should now see a drop down menu box that will let you select which BiPed slot you want the armor to occupy. Set it to whatever you want, just keep it the same as whatever you set in the creation kit. Save the edit and repeat for the other mesh (i.e the _0 nifv file).

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