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A more RTS Friendly Nellis Air Force Base or Searchlight Airport


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Hello, I am not sure if I just miss a mod through my search in the database but is there a Mod that gives more trees and stones in Nellis Air Force Base or Searchlight Airport and is also NavMeshed? I have seen a few good locations one of the nice RTS locations is the Mojang Drive-In but with the Old World Blues Expansion pack, anything you build there would be affected by the satellite's projection.


I am just requesting if anyone can do this Mod please. If you are willing to help, thank you very much. No pressure.

Edited by CrameKnight
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why not add trees yourself via geck?


also you could simply make a mine in X location and a lumberyard in Y (jacobs town has over 100 trees) and make a market in your area you want for a town.


I made a base by the crashed virtibird, and it had 2 trees. I made a well, 1 HOUSE, then 1 MARKET. I put a lumberyard in jacobstown, and boom. now i have a city.



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