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Flames not appearing??


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I had this problem before, where the flames wouldn't appear, when casting magic (fire magic) you would see the light from the spell, but not the actual flames... The first time it happened, I think I was running the very early version of the game, and I downloaded 'ENB Injector' I would run the program before launching skyrim, then everything worked fine, flames appeared perfectly...


Now I've updated my game to version 1.7 and the ENB injector won't work anymore... I searched and found a new version of the ENB Injector (so now its running on version v.0.004) and I launch my game and it still won't work....


Any suggestions, am I doing something wrong?



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mh...if it is only the generic injector, its only optimized to decrease CPU usage, no other changes but don't hold me to it.


Or is it a ENB injector from content (for example ENB v0.119)? Test to disable special effects (enbseries.ini-->UseEffect=false)


Apart from that, AFAIK visibility of flames aso will adjust by these settings at skyrimprefs.ini (document folder/my games/ skyrim)


Default settings:





Hope this helps and besides sorry for my english ;o)



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