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How do I add specific item to all humans inventory?


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I'm new to this forum so apologies if this post isn't done right. True Cannibalism Overhaul adds human blood and meat to all human npcs without manually editing every npc inventory. Looking at the mod it edits 4 lists that seem like human lists. Raider, synth, triggerman and humanoidstandard. So I copied this method but it didn't work. It showed up on raiders in concord but not on normal humans. Does anyone know how to do this or how to learn how to do it?

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Maybe you can do this from a script.

I don't know if it works, but see the HumanRace record. And try something like this:


1. Add an ability to HumanRace. In vanilla game there's already one, named AbLegendaryCreatureItem.

2. Add one effect to your new ability. The vanilla one has abLegendaryCreatureItemEffect, so use this as a template (but without target conditions).

3. In script's OnEffectStart verify target's inventory and add the item if is missing.

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A perk applied at the race level is exactly how I would do it. Then a magic effect that acts a listener to add the items.


But instead of adding the inventory item OnEffectStart(), instead listen for the OnDying() event. Add the items then. That way, they don't show up in the actor's normal inventory and only show up after the actor has died.

Scriptname XYZ extends ActiveMagiveEffect

Actor DeadHuman
LeveledItem Property MeatList Auto

Event OnInit()
  DeadHuman = GetTargetActor()

Event OnDying(Actor akKiller)
  DeadHuman.AddItem(MeatList, abSilent = true)

This is how I've handled adding specific items based on death sequences, but it was never applied to a whole race.

Edited by Carreau
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