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Become a Companion.


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It would be good to be able to change character ingame instead of having to start the game over and over to play a different role, having to complete the quests again collecting the items etc.

I've got multiple games on the go at the moment due to role playing and not wanting to master everything in the game as one character.

Warrior Orc's that use two handed Hammers shouldn't have the dexterity to pick locks, & High Elf mages shouldn't have smithing skills for example

I'd like to make a small party of mixed race companions that are set up for different roles sharing the same home but on one save file.


Does anyone with scripting knowledge know if this is even possible. I know that it can be done through the console but is it possible to store the stats so that characters can be interchangeable.

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Well one way you can do this is to download and install the NPC editor from Nexus, which allows you to change different npcs into different races, their behaviors, their main skills etc. It is pretty simple so you can try and do it yourself. As for starting someplace else, apparently there was a mod that allows you to start in a prison , 'A new way of living' it is called i thiknk
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If you want to save some hassle with a new character, it's totally possible! Just download and install this thingy: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9557


When you start a new game, you can choose to be a member of a guild, either the Companions, The Thieves' Guild, or the Dark Brotherhood. Or about 50 other alternative start options.



Buuuut changing identity, i.e. playing alternative characters in the same save file seems ... impossible? O.O

Edited by WinterFlower
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Seems i'm being misunderstood.


I want to swap control between my own characters mid game, but keep them as companions when i'm not controlling them.


Is there a way of storing the Race stats with the look of my character, the level of said character, the perks and advancement of each perk,

so that i can enjoy the different roles on a single save without leveling everything onto one character....


I'm asking if its feasible with the scripting language already available, with SKSE, or simple bat files.

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So you want a Dragon Age style party system type of thing? Where you can take control of different RP'd characters?


Yes this is what im on about, but it doesnt have to be on the fly. Maybe touch a post and then swap at a player home.


I'm still asking if there is a way of storing data to a file to be called upon and edited...

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I'm also interested in a mod such as this. I would like the option to switch characters so that I can have different abilities on each one instead of trying to have one character master everything. If it would be possible to level them all as you would your character, that would be excellent! If pressing a button to switch characters ala Dragon Age isn't possible, an option like was mentioned above is fine. Maybe talking to who you want to switch to directly and telling them to take the lead would also work? I'm not sure if this would be possible with something like the CK since I've never used it myself. Being able to use multiple characters and keep them as followers when not using them is something I've always wanted in a TES game. My biggest question is if we would need to create each of them individually like you do your character in the beginning or if we would need to use the NPC Editor for anyone other than our starting character? Would only one of them be Dragonborn or would all of them be if you created them from scratch? In order to level them all the same way you do your character, I would assume you have to create them all the same way.
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