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Lag, flickering, stuttering


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I've been getting some weird stuttering in very specific areas of certain towns in certain times of day (I say certain times of day because sometimes, I'll be walking through the exact same area, and get nothing. No lag whatsoever. So I guess, technically, I can't be sure it's certain times of day, and not certain NPC's nearby, or certain events happening nearby). It is based on where I'm looking/where my view is aimed, and I've been trying to get it narrowed down as to why/what mod is causing it. It's basically a lag, but the screen seems to flicker after the lag. Like..there will be a pause and stutter - you wait through the stutter, then when the stutter ends the screen will sort of...dim and flicker, and everything's a-ok for another few moments, as if the game loaded something up as the screen dimmed. I could be wrong, but I think it has something to do with the lighting. Seems like it happens when I'm looking at sources of light and seems like it happens when the lighting is being loaded up in a cell. That could just be a coincidence, however, but I swear it's when I'm looking at candles and lanterns or they are loading up in a cell that it happens. It's really weird and I almost don't know how to describe it without FRAPSing it, but if I did that, fraps would just make it lag in different places and wouldn't show an accurate version of what's happening, probably. One mod that I have installed that effects lighting and could possibly be related to this, I suppose, is Lanterns of Skyrim All In One. But...I'm really not sure what it is. I can list my load order if need be. I also have Realistic Lighting. And Dark Dungeons for ENB. As far as specs: AMD Phenom II X6 1055T 2.8GHz, GeForce GTX 570 3025MB, 4GB RAM. Oh and it doesn't really do this outside. It seems to only happen in towns/interior cells. (with the exception of a couple of mods I have that add cities that are part of the world space/have no loading entry doors, in which case, it has happened in an exterior). Edited by chickenbrothel
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