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Stardew Valley

My kid is not an animal... mod request


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I've searched and searched but cannot find a mod that allows you to socialize (or whatever you want to call it) with your child more than once a day. It's silly that you can only click on them and get the little heart bubble once... like the animals. I can talk to my spouse multiple times a day and kiss as many times as I want. When the child is still in the crib I can play with them as often as I want. But the moment they aren't crib-bound and start crawling I'm limited to the one little pat on the head a day.


I've found a mod that allows you to give your spouse a gift more than once a day and another that allows you to give your animals gifts. I just want something similar. Let me pat their head or whatever as often as I want and maybe give them a little gift. I don't feel like it's asking much really. I thought there would be a mod that allows you to socialize with villagers more than once a day and that might work but can't find anything that allows that either. I tried reading about how to make the mod myself but I know nothing about coding unfortunately. :sad:

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