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Want to use the Mzulft map lightbeam, please help.


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Have myself a player home and have been working on a room that will offer teleports to each of the nine main cities and I thought the Mzulft light beam map FX would be cool to have for this. I found the item within the CK; FXDweObservatoryMapBeam and I've placed the ones that I want to use in my cell. However when going into the cell these beams do not appear and I have tried looking at what they did with the actual beam in the Mzulft03 cell.


The beam object doesn't seem to have any linked references or scripts attached to it and I'm at a loss as to how one might get this beam to appear (constantly, like some of the other dust beams and such). Ive tried googling FX and lighting but that didn't help bring the beam to visibility.


Any help here would be greatly appreciated.



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