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[WIP] Lavish Mage Tower of Alchemy Power


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This title is a working title. May change it if a better suggestion comes along before it's finished. I wanted it to rhyme, and describe the tower as being luxurious and designed for both mage and alchemist characters, as my fictional "previous owner" was a wealthy mage alchemist.


I believe something lacking in the standard Mages' Guild décor is a feeling of real power, a sense that you're doing something dangerous, as well as the wealth that should come with a person skilled in magic and alchemy. Especially alchemy, since potions can make a character a lot of money. If you love study, knowledge, and experimentation, but also enjoy the great pleasures in life, and don't want to spend all your time in a small cellar like Sinderion, or live like an ascetic monk wearing shabby woolen robes in a Mages' Guild that looks like a mundane poorhouse where no magic is happening, you may like this tower.



  • Static alchemy set, adjusts to your current alchemy level
  • Large alchemy station, with ingredient sorter, gem/metal/bone grinder, and many containers for misc. storage (including red and tan covered bowls)
  • Many exotic ingredients
  • Several new books of advanced alchemy, with recipes (No more tedious "Fundaments of Alchemy" books lying around a Master Alchemist's abode)
  • Some new "atmospheric" books about alchemy taken from historical texts
  • Many new posters I made from scans of historical alchemy illustrations and ancient astronomy
  • Some amusing rants written by the "previous owner" of the tower
  • Combination spellcrafting and enchanting station, with a more powerful-looking design, instead of glorified bookstands.
  • Map of Cyrodiil on the wall, which will teleport you to the city of your choice
  • Hot tub with wearable towels, many seats available
  • Dining area with several new food items
  • Comfortable sitting area
  • No display cases, which are annoying to me and always made the items slide down. But pedestals and glass boxes instead.
  • New landscaped area outside the tower, overlooking a multi-tiered waterfall and pond (WIP)
  • Attractive indoor gardens, both pretty and useful for alchemy
  • New bed mesh (WIP) for bed chamber (includes The Luggage)
  • Rooftop sitting area (WIP)
  • Guest quarters for up to 10 companions


Near the "Abandoned House" between Skingrad and Bravil. A short distance away from the Priory of the Nine, if you have the KOTN plugin (which I do not).



Requires both COBL and Shivering Isles.



I expect it'll be finished in a week or two from now. Any questions, or suggestions?


http://lh4.ggpht.com/tchosy/SO6A_U6QgTI/AAAAAAAAAok/N8sUyxwjTrE/s288/Oblivion%202008-10-08%2019-23-15-61.jpg http://lh5.ggpht.com/tchosy/SOsjj7UKTrI/AAAAAAAAAnA/ybvzIUWcgx0/s288/Oblivion%202008-10-06%2016-35-54-53.jpg http://lh6.ggpht.com/tchosy/SO6dCOAL_dI/AAAAAAAAApw/W1CU2e965YE/s288/Oblivion%202008-10-09%2016-31-40-71.jpg http://lh5.ggpht.com/tchosy/SO6dDStRM5I/AAAAAAAAAqI/f8rMSWuxlWM/s288/Oblivion%202008-10-09%2016-34-05-24.jpg http://lh5.ggpht.com/tchosy/SO_-FbNA4EI/AAAAAAAAAt8/I3SNMd5OqMY/s288/Oblivion%202008-10-09%2022-51-16-29.jpg http://lh5.ggpht.com/tchosy/SO7vSfB12DI/AAAAAAAAArk/X4ANJuxRnAU/s288/Oblivion%202008-10-09%2022-53-35-14.jpg http://lh3.ggpht.com/tchosy/SO75iBOUxfI/AAAAAAAAAsQ/pLA4IqYg2Mo/s288/Oblivion%202008-10-09%2023-38-40-03.jpg http://lh4.ggpht.com/tchosy/SO6A-7iWarI/AAAAAAAAAoc/F3c_FKY7IqY/s288/Oblivion%202008-10-07%2020-31-40-22.jpg http://lh5.ggpht.com/tchosy/SO6dBeRlCsI/AAAAAAAAApo/DngdDZRCAt8/s288/Oblivion%202008-10-09%2016-31-17-12.jpg

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It stands for Common Oblivion, a free set of useful standard extras for modders to include in their mods, to avoid modders having to add the same modders' resources to each mod over and over, unnecessarily increasing the size. A sort of "download once, and use for all" mod, managed by Wrye, of Wrye Bash fame. http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View...ail&id=3508


If you do a search for COBL here on Nexus, you'll find many mods that use it.

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What do you mean by friendly? I created path grids for the rooms, and you probably already saw the screenshot of a bunch of companions using the hot tub. There is a respawning food and drink cabinet for companions.
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All of the rooms exist in a single cell (no loading screens as you go from room to room), though I have not (yet) added a room for guest beds. I've been asked about that once before, and I expect I'll add such a room. Not sure what all counts as amusement for a companion, as CSR (what I use) has very limited companion personality options, but there are plenty of vanilla books around in the lower area and the bed chamber, as well as the aforementioned food and drink cabinets, and plenty of places to sit. I have the path grids avoiding the alchemy area, so they shouldn't wander over there and take any of the special books or eat the ingredients.
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I can see why you'd want a round bed mesh. It would definitely fit that dais better. :)


I like your set design and I especially love the hot tub. I think every house mod needs both fire and water - basic human comforts. I'm not sure I want to add COBL to my game, though.

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You don't have to activate the ESP that adds COBL content to the vanilla game, just activate the ESM, and the content will only appear in mods that use them, like mine. :)


I think it's worth it for the alchemy ingredient sorter (retrieve ingredients by either name or effect) and the grinder alone, not to mention the lore books from previous games.

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