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Fairy Tale type magic


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Fairy Tale is a manga about a guild for mages. The name of it is Fairy Tale. Great mages gather there, they are all a family. They have amazing magic shown in the manga. One girl can change her armor instantly and her weapon, sort of like bound weapons and armor but it can be changed anytime. Another is a full on ice user making ice hammers, spears and other stuff. One boy is a dragon slayer, not sure what it means but he uses fire. Another uses metal. One uses keys to summon creatures for her.


Also I wanted to ask if someone could make a new animation for protect spells. I think it is stupid not to show something. So I thought why not use something like Kingdom hearts. It has a bubble type barrier appear around the user. Of course it would just be in front of the person not a huge bubble.

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Nayru's Love, Din's Fire, and Farore's Something-or-Other; heck yeah! But I agree. There needs to be some new magic stuff in Oblivion. I mean, modders have revamped it time and time again, not to mention Midas Magic, but it all still seems to be missing something.
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