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Mod merging?


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So quick question, is there any way to merge simple armor/item mods together yet? Just ARMO, ARMA, WEAP, and COBJ records. I'm pretty surprised Wrye doesn't support this yet. Though, during my limited research I read SkyProc can, but I can't seem to find anything useable anywhere. So maybe someone smarter than I can inform me.


sigh, I'm not looking forward to doing it manually in the CK... I'm just so lazy...

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To my knowledge, there are no real good options yet. But the CK is not so bad. If you work hard and fast, you could probably merge two simple armor mods in less than an hour of steady work with the keyboard and mouse. Edited by David Brasher
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Thank you for the reply. Sadly I figured this would be the case, I was hoping I was wrong.


"two simple armor mods in less than an hour" hehe, I have a ton, I'm trying to reduce my load list/organize... sooo... lets say the better part of a day :P

Edited by LunarisTenebrae
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These instructions on the wiki aren't very clear and aren't working very well on my computer. I find this line to be quite vague:


Make the folders CheckInBackup and Merging shared in your local network (can be a fake network with just your PC in it).

If someone has never done this before, then they would likely have no idea how to go about doing it.


What is a person supposed to do with all the error messages and countdown timers? It seems that if the CK used to be able to open a mod in 60 seconds with about four error messages, now it takes like four minutes and you have to argue your way through about 15 error messages. At the end you are not confident that things actually loaded correctly because you clearly gave the computer the answer it was not wanting at many of the 15 error messages.

Edited by David Brasher
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The thing you quoted simply means "right click on the folder, click share. And if you don't have a fake network already, create it."


As for the errors showing up thr 1st time you copied skyrim, update and your esm in the shared folder, they're normal as stated. The CK/Pc is complaining that there aren't the files necessary for merging. After the esms are loaded follow the next step in the tutorial (create empty lists) and the errors will disappear. The PerForce error means nothing and will continue to appear.

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Version Control is a lot harder than it looks and extremely frustrating in practce. It is bizarrely picky on network permissions. Some people, me included, have spent hours to get the network settings just exactly right only to find that it refuses to merge all sorts of records for any variety of reasons that remain a mystery to me. VC is intended to be used by a team of developers working on whole sections of the game an it produces esm masters. You can probably merge your files by hand faster unless you have huge mods and teams of people. There is a tool almost ready called TESVGecko that looks very promising. Check it out here: TESVGecko
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O.o I used VC a lot of times and never had any sort of merging/network problems.


Maybe your problems in merging are related to the fact that you want to move a record that belongs to skyrim.esm or update.esm (for example, a NPC placed in a vanilla cell, wich means the cell record gets edited).


In that case, you just have to change the 9th bit of skyrim.esm or update.esm with a hex editor (for both local and network versions), check out the everything, merge and then restore the original bit.

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