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Onehanded vs. Twohanded weapons.


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Well, here goes. I have been trying without success to convert several two-handed weapons in base Skyrim, as well as mods, into one-handed weapons. I have met with little success.


So far all I have access to NifScope. What I have been doing is extracting the .obj from from the nifs with the models I want. But I am somewhat stuck on how to, or more correctly where to import the obj. into the nif that I want to use as an example. Ex. Extract the blade and blood obj.s from the Ancient Nord Greatsword. Using Dwarven Sword as example delete sword and blood obj.s. But where do I Import the Nord Objs so that they actually USE the info that it needs to?


If you could point me to Tutorials that would be great! The fact is I actively WANT to learn how to do this but have hit a roadblock.


And yes, I am aware that Tytanis has this as part of his mod, that is where i got the idea. I just don't want the rest of his mod. Plus I want to be able to do it to Mod weapons and such.

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