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[LE] Stop player lvling

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Hey... so i create my MMO Spots in my Mod...

but i have problem :x...


Players can cheat with this xD

because Mobs spawn over and over player can kill them all time


On my test Spot i got 100 lvl in destruction in less than 10 min...



is there any way to make player got no exp for attacking / killing my NPCs?



i know ppl Grind for EXP and LOOT but gosh xD

it can't go that fast :o


i want to slow or disable exp from Mobs on Spots where they spawn all time

Edited by TobiaszPL
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Maybe this can help you, to guide you :

In an unrelated note, you wrote in a previous post made some time ago, that in your mod players can take milk from cows.

How did you do it ?... i'm trying to figure it out, i want to be able to extract blood from animals with the use of a syringe for a special potion for vampires and humans, but i'm failing miserably...

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I did it by using "Special Menu" Spell :x...

But Cows were... egh ugly so i remove them from Mod xD


Braverock is sexy and hot Tropical Island :x...

I'm also thinking abour removing Chickens...


Event OnHit( ... )

If( Hit by Menu Spell )

.. Show Menu ..




SetActorValue :x...

Not good idea in my opinion :c... egh i will just remove MMO Spots atm.


They also are not working 100% fine... if you leave Cell while mobs are respawning they will respawn

in random place :x... instead of Spot Cell :c...




Edited by TobiaszPL
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If you want to slow down leveling try next:

  int PROPERTY iPlayerLevelFirstTime auto Hidden       ; [default=0]

fill the property like this

EVENT OnCellLoad()                  ; ReferenceAlias, ObjectReference
    IF (iPlayerLevelFirstTime == 0)
        iPlayerLevelFirstTime = Game.GetPlayer().GetLevel()

EVENT OnUnLoad()
    iPlayerLevelFirstTime = 0      ; reset the level holder again

and before respawn use comparing like that

    IF (iPlayerLevelFirstTime < Game.GetPlayer().GetLevel())
        RETURN ; - STOP - no respawn
Edited by ReDragon2013
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Why don"t you add an "OnCellDetach" event to your script to stop all respawning of npcs.

So you used spell... i was hoping that there was an other way, i don't want to use spell or trigger boxes. Anyway i will come up with something.

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there is other way :x...

1) Create Cow

2) Create TriggerBox ( inv. activator ) ( Sphere shape + Cow size )

3) Create Script that move TriggerBox to Cow every 1 sec


And done :tongue:

You can simply come to cow press E and milk from cows :D


But if Cow move this 1 sec delay may be too much :D



Maybe you can try to make Magnelight somehow to be Inv. activator :x...

Magnelight can be attached to NPCs so all u have to do is create Trigger Box :x



other way is just by dialogue :x...

You can create empty dialogue and activate script by this dialogue


but this way is bad in my opinion xD way more bad than spell


cause when u come to cow it will say "Talk" not Milk :D

and its probably not possible to change it :x...



1) Spell -> Bad because player have to use this spell

2) Trigger Box -> Bad because it may move after cow not with cow

3) Dialogue -> Bad because it says "Takl" not "Milk" / other use option


3 ways to do it :x

and in my opinion first way by spell is best :x...





Why don"t you add an "OnCellDetach" event to your script to stop all respawning of npcs.


When u leave Grind Spot in MMO Games mobs keep spawning :x...

atm. im just ressurecting Mob and probably can use OnCellDetach in this script :tongue:


Here is Script:



ohh great... so i delete good script instead of bad script...

=_= my gosh Recuva come back here !... again xD

Edited by TobiaszPL
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Spell will do the trick, but i'll go with a fourth option :

- I'll make the syringe a weapon with "0" damage that "OnHit" will get fill with blood, so this way player can harvest blood from any animal in any place - location - mod, and will have a light script on it. I think this is the best approach to this issue...


* There is also the "getDistance()".

If player gets away from trigger box (to a distance you have pre set), resurrect won't occur - trigger anymore.


At that distance of the trigger box the spawn will only occur.

You can also place an "xMarker" in the center of the trigger box. I'll name it "xMarkerTarget".

if game.getPlayer().getDistance(xMarkerTarget) < 1800
;Do Stuff - start SPAWN - RESURRECT
if game.getPlayer().getDistance(xMarkerTarget) < 2000
;Do Stuff - stop SPAWN - RESURRECT

* The number i put is random.

Or "OnTriggerEnter" and "OnTriggerLeave".

Thanks for taking the time to think about this !!...

Edited by maxarturo
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