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Started a SkyRe/Frostfall game, Not leveling up...


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Hey, So I started a new game with Frostfall, Ranger, SkyRe and the rest of my regular mods, all done up with their compatibility patches for SkyRe. Just hit riverwood and tried smacking the imperial guy I came with for a couple sneak levels. Got a level up and it isn't letting me level up... Anyone else have this problem? Or am I being forgetful and the first level up is part of the tutorial? (I.E. a scripted event will let me level up). Just figured I'd quickly ask since I'm about to go to bed. Everything else seems to be fully functional as far as I can see, trees displaying correctly, racial traits SkyRe-d. Seems fine so far.... Maybe someone else encountered this? Or maybe it is a scripted event (if so, what event?)


Since I'm going to bed and all, I'm not gonna post a mod list or load order unless it's requested/ required, perhaps there's some compatibility issue I couldn't find in the common lists and reports from folks on the interwebz.

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Fixed it. For the internet's delight I present the fix... (Since I couldn't find one easily through a google search). (Or maybe reading the tweaking guide readme included with the mod? I can't see to find it on my computer anymore so I didn't read it, would figure it's in there....)


In your skyrim install directory; go to Data> SKSE> Plugins.

Open SKSE_Elys_Uncapper's .INI file in notepad. NOT THE DLL!!!!

Once it's open search for these lines.


;Enable(1) or Disable(0) the plugin

;Default value = 0



Should be right at the top. The bEnabled=1 line will be set to zero (as shown by the Default value=0 line above it)


Change it to one. This will enable the levels up and "tweaks" you make to them in that same .INI file.


This fooled me as I thought installing it through NMM would have it set up and ready to go...


Edit: Can I get a lock on this? Sorry to waste people's time. Should've thought this through more and tinkered with it. In a moment of weakness from tinkering with mods (and having them fail so hard) all day I took the easy "get internet peoplez to answer it for me" way out.

Edited by YourPalPaul21
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