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Oliphaunts replaces Mammoths


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II was very disappointed when I saw mamooths in this game . It's a game of Norse mythology, not about the Ice Age. No make any sense...


So i will be grateful if some one can make a Oliphaunt (gigant elephant) from Lord of The Rings.








I think this image will help





Thank you so much if you make this mod!

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I'm a fan of LotR, but all I could think when I saw your request was that elephants make even less sense than mammoths, since elephants don't normally live in cold areas. ^^; LotR oliphaunts came from the hot Southron area, and mammoths are (were) real cold-weather elephants...


I think that it would be kind of cool to see the massive scary oliphaunts, but billing it as a realism improvement is maybe a bad idea. That might be part of why no one said anything.

Edited by AnkhAscendant
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