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Immersion Breaking bugs with Dawnguard


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I noticed that when I talked to Serana, she would often start with her arms crossed casually. Eventually though, she would get very stiff and put her arms out to her side, and after a while, she would go to her normal pose. It really breaks the immersion when the game bugs out like this. I thought that it was just a problem with Serana, but then I noticed the Dawnguards that attack you do it sometimes too. It even happens to my character when I have a crossbow equipped and I'm not in sneak mode. He is also very stiff with his arms out to the side and sort of hovers above the ground.


I thought this was a problem with one of the mods and Dawnguard, but I've unchecked all of the mods that I have in the Nexus Mod Manager and the bug still happens. I've also tried recycleactor and resetai and those don't seem to have any effect either.

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