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mounted combat


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Did you remove all the files when re-installing? :/


This is taken from steam forums,


How to fix broken mounted combat (char standing above horse for example):


If you are using an animation mod called Fores New Idles (FNIS), if so download the patch: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/download/63746, however if you have used the solution bellow before you need to install the FNIS Mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11811, install and then download the patch.


If not go to the Steam folder:



Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\meshes\actors\c haracter

Now make sure you only have these two folders (if you don't have any of these but you have other folders move those folders to the desktop and try to play):


- animations

- character assets


If you have other folders please move them to the desktop and try to play.




Also, make sure you have all the patches.

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I had one from the Bear Dance eng in there, but after I moved it to the desktop, the game froze on the first loading screen. I'm going to try to uninstall the game, delete Skyrim folder, and this time only install mods that change the game to HD or are UI mods. I'm too afraid to even install follower mods now, like the Temptress one that I had before.
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