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Doors and load doors


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Maybe a daft question, wouldn't be my first today, but I am working on a custom house; the exterior shell is all modeled, collision meshed and textured and parked in Riverwood. I have yet to start work on the interior. Anyway, I have been looking at tutorials on how to give the house a working door and I noticed that the in-game houses have a door on the outside and then a load door which goes in front of it. My question is, why? Why does the model require two doors on the exterior shell, one on top of the other? I can understand that the load door will contain animation and sound scripting etc, but do you need to have a door on the model too? Something to do with not having an open mesh perhaps?


If anyone has an answer or any thoughts, I'd love to know.

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The first door is part of the house mesh itself. The second door is an Activator that functions as a door.


There is no functional difference between the "door" that is part of the house mesh, and the rest of the house itself. It's the same object, the same bundle of triangles. You wouldn't want to be able to enter a house by clicking on any part of the house, so, a dedicated door is placed. The original door that is part of the house mesh is probably used for alignment purposes.

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I have noticed that some house meshes have a door and others just have a blank space where the door should be placed. I always put it down to the style of the person that designed the mesh. I don't think the door on the house mesh does anything other then to give you a visual reference though I could be wrong. I often am. heh
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