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Please help with mod crashes


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Using Masterrestore might help for other mods, but if you masterupdated Fallout Remastered, which you did, you'll need to delete it and download a new copy. Same goes for it's compatibility patches.


Also, allow me to quote the Fallout Remastered Readme part about masterupdating:

Master updating Fallout Remastered and/or it's compatibility patches will cause many of it's records and overrides to stop working correctly. Doing so will cause the mod to stop working as intended. Using master update on other files you are running is perfectly acceptable, but Fallout Remastered and/or the compatibility patches themselves MUST be excluded from your load order whenever you might run FO3MasterUpdate.exe.

Can you tell I second what M48A5 said about reading description pages/Readme's?


Your right, I should read the Readmes before doing stuff like this.

However I must say since my last reply I been playing without a single crash, until now ahaha.

But I think I might have sorted it out, but I will do what you both said and I will reinstalled Fallout Remastered and hopefully it will be more stable.


Thanks for both your help.

I will reply again if crashing continues.

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