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for 30 minutes or so i can play the game at a solid 60 fps.

then out of no were it gets choppy and sluggish. but the fps stays pretty high

a restart fixes it for a while


ive tried boarderless full screen. just full screen . just boarder lees. vsync on and off


any ideas?



i78086@ 5.2



16gig @ 3800


















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Welcome to fallout 4, we all have to put up with this and there seems to be no cure for it. Then mod authors that make scrap mods refuse to remove crap from just outside the build border instead of making it scrappable thus piling up the pre combines count and slowing the game down even more. The real not fun will happen at places like jamaica plain and hangman's alley no matter what mod you install even no mods installed not even scrap mods installed, those two areas will slow down your game. I read somewhere years ago it has something to do with too many draw calls or something like that.


There are some mods trying to fix things like unofficial fallout 4 patch and that faster start build menu mod but ultimately this game just kinda turns into crap about half way through the content of it. Try getting about 24 settlers living at starlight drive in and then get a save game to load that doesn't screw up the fire rate of automatic weapons on load from there. Even vanilla guns like the assault rifle will have a fire rate of 374 instead of 113 because of the lag from all the settlers and the rounding error bug present in the game too. All this stuff adds up to drive us crazy around here.


I use the VTO redux mod to save in game time getting around and as a save game load room. Loading a save from inside the VTO means my fps is 60 and my automatic weapons fire rates are normal not to mention the automatic fire rates of ALL WEAPONS in the game world at the time I load that save... thats right if you load a save from a low fps laggy area, ALL npcs with auto weapons have bugged fire rates that cause issues with automatic firing sounds not working properly which can cause that forever firing sound bug or even crash the game sometimes:-(


There is a program called fallout 4 performance monitor that can help you figure out what areas give you some problems but it doesn't work for everyone and there is some conflicts with ENB too.

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