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Polymorphing to super strong / intelligent / stealthy or agile forms


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this could be because of my love for marvel or it could be because it'd be awesome to have this happen


bit of research into the characters, and you have to defeat them to acquire a tome with the spell


once transformed you'd have all the powers of the specific characters

the monsters to beat would have to be freakin godly lol i mean come on ;)

anyways, there'd need to be scripting to allow only 1 of the superheroes per character, and slight name changes to avoid marvel coming down on you like half the arctic caps



but the powers would have to be exact, but balanced to a degree. and it definately shouldn't be a vanilla oblivion mod, a hardcore mod for hardcore people :D



an example and all that


the hulk would be impervious to normal weapons, have a fortified hp, strength, agility, and knock enemies down. the transformation would have to be big n green duh, and increase in size, maybe modify orc meshes and textures? fortified jump and impervious to falling damage. however hand to hand his only weapon, magicka drain of 1000, just incase anyones got insanely high magicka. and the lower the players health gets the higher the strength and h2h and speed of the hulk becomes.


after the hulk transformation ends, a severe fatigue drain and weakness to the player could be implemented for extra balance.


anyone else think that this'd be.....interesting?


thank you good night much laav

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