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unofficial oblivion patch


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I can get that it can become corrupted one time. So I deleted it. I tried a second time, it was corrupted again. Tried a third and even a FOURTH time. Both times I get an error telling me the files are corrupted.


Is the file on the servers corrupted or is it something on my side? I would like to install the Unofficial Oblivion Patch.



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HOW are you downloading? Using NMM? 'Manually'? If the latter, do you use a Download Manager? (They are less prone to corruption because they validate the various 'packets' as they receive them. I personally have had great success with 'Free Download Manager' for many years, and have abandoned commercial products in favor of it.)


Try at a different time of day. Certain time-frames are busier than others, and congestion increases the rate at which packets collide and need to be retransmitted. The protocol is 'best effort', not 'guaranteed delivery'.


Try the download site with the lowest number of active connections, not simply the closest one. And if you have no luck with one site, try another. Regardless of how you connect to the internet, a more distant site which is in an activity lull is typically faster and 'cleaner' than a closer one in it's peak utilization period.



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