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change the font color


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how do i change the font color of magic items in my inventory from white to blue, green, red or gold color ?

i do have skse installed and skui.

but i dont know how to do it, can someone help me please and tell me how to do it ?

do i need to make a script and attach it to the item i want to change its color ?

how ?



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You need to reverse-engineer the Skyrim interface files, which are in Adobe Flash format. Then you need to decompile the ActionScripts that these files contain, then edit the scripts. Then you need to recompile the scripts and repack everything as a new Adobe Flash file.


On the other hand, you might be able to do it via the SkyUI mod simply by tweaking the settings in the SkyUI config file. Maybe you should read the mod's readme files or read the instructions on the mod's description page?

Edited by steve40
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