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Question about custom in-game locations and Creation Kit


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I work several jobs so unfortunately as much as I would love to I just don't have the time to devote to installing and learning my way around the intricacies of the Creation Kit.


I have created a huge amount of new settlement designs and locations and added new points of interest using the in game workshop and some mods like Conquest and CAMP 76, and some of the new settlement locations put out by Ragoda (and others). This originally was just to satisfy my creative urge but I have done so much I would like to share it with others as I think they would enjoy.


I originally planned on releasing things as Transfer Settlements but there is a lot of locations that are basically just incidental background scenery and points of interest and not actual settlements and cannot be exported out that way. So I had the thought of publishing the list of all of the settlement objects and other gameplay mods that would be required for my build (like you would with TS) and then just also publishing a savegame file where you start just outside of your vault but all of the locations are already in place. Sounds clunky, but I have truly added a huge amount of eye candy and locations that I don't see how to export out.


So, my question:

Is there a way to take the whole Commonwealth map with all of the locations I've added, and open it up in Creation Kit and export all of the changed locations out and into one mod that when enabled by someone would install all of the locations at the same time, including the non-settlement locations? Provided someone had all of the required support mods installed that is. Basically like a world-map sized transfer settlement mod.


I realize if this is even possible it's not just a big button you push in the CK that automagically makes it happen. I realize it would be a lot of work. I don't need details at this time though, I just want to know if the idea is even possible and worth pursuing or not.


Or if someone has another deployment option I've not thought of, I'm all ears.


Hopefully I've explained this in a way that is not completely obtuse.


Thanks all

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