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CTD after enchanting some items to get uber gear..


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So did anyone experienced CTD's making godly gear?


I had 3 ctd's yesterday experimenting on making uber gear... I feel guilty for abusing the fortify alchemy trick to make uber potions..


The first experiment I had that CTD'ed later got me a fortify reso potion

(which I forgot to screenshot)

& fortify enchant potion that gave me over 1k% stronger effect on the potions..


I enchanted some gear to get no mana spells, high mana/hp/stamina regen, high resists, and high soul trap/paralyze durations for a bow.. Made a no mana spells gear for at least 2 mages also..


I tested the gear while inside Honeyside to see if the no-mana spell gear works and it did.. Then I went outside to test drive the "uberness" of my new enchanted gear..As soon as my followers engaged the enemy, skyrim froze and later crashed..


I loaded a save that has me still inside Honeyside and looked for some enemy around riften.. Found some and as soon as I switched to my bow, game froze and later crashed..



Reloaded my game again to the point before I enchanted my gear.. Crafted some potions and eventually stayed with a less uber enchanting potion..

Same story as above: test drived the new gear while inside honeyside to see if it works and went outside to see the effectiveness.. It didn't crashed for me when my followers engaged the enemy,

(I didn't enchanted my bow this time around)

but game frozed and crashed when I switched spells from fireball dualcast to raising a zombie spell..


I loaded the save before I went outside and looked for some enemy in the same area in Riften(near Shor's Stone) where I CTD, and tried to duplicate the same method that led to my CTD and to my surprise the game didn't froze/CtD.. I even fought almost the same enemies; a couple of werebears, a spriggan they were fighting on first ctd & a couple of hunters they were fighting on 2nd time around...


I fast traveled to rorikstead looking for a fight; fought some dragons and master vampire, and no ctd's.. Fast traveled to mzinchaleft to look for enemies and no ctd's either.. Went to Falkearth area to look for enemies and no ctd either.. It seems that the game is now stable for me at the time being after my enchantments..



For the first 2 ctd, my guess is that there is a limit on the amount of enchantment you can give to a gear.. And the 3rd ctd, likely a bad luck with the ctd since the game won't CTD when I tried to reproduce the same events..


For the 3rd ctd scenario, these are the only items I have enchanted: a boots, armor, circlet, earrings, amulet, & a ring all for myself.. The 2 items I enchanted for my followers is a ring and an armor since I only have 3 spellcasters on my group.. The 3rd spellcaster I didn't gave her enchants since I want her to only use flames or fireball..


I forgot to do screenshots for my previous enchants, but they all have somewhere around 300+ sec duration for soultrap & paralyze, 4k% less to cast and 1k% resists



I'm not sure if reaching a high number in enchant will make the game crash or I'm just unlucky, since I didn't crashed until I encountered an enemy...




So I want to know if anyone has experienced somewhat similar to mine after enchanting uber gear??


And any of you likely know the limits for enchating items before it ctd's; a good number to target for resists, spell cost, etc to have a stable game?



And lastly, going past the armor cap won't give you a ctd right?

Using smithing gear and a fortify smithing potion gives me about 1.6k upgrade to my body armor alone..





any insights will be greatly appreciated...

Edited by jz3515
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